Rare Triadex Muse Sequencer Going To Highest Bidder

An awesomely preserved Triadex Muse sequencer/synthesiser is on auction at ebay.

Triadex Muse

Here’s the info:

In this auction you will receive both the Triadex muse and the accompanying amplifier.
They are both “MIB’ as seen in the pictures. One of the boxes got a little wet as seen in the pictures.

This in no way affected the contents of the box as the amplifier was wrapped in plastic.
For some reason these “rare” Muses seem to show up here in the Boston area more frequently than anywhere else in the country.
This may be due to their close proximity to MIT and Brookline, MA. where they were manufactured.

Even though they were ahead of their time and somewhat of a technical marvel they ended up being somewhat of a commercial flop. This may explain why they never crept far beyond their backyard from which they were created.

The cosmetic condition of the units are in excellent condition as seen in the pictures. The original instruction manual and tags are included with the Muse and not the amplifier.

The specs are as follows:
Model – Muse
Serial no. 00729-113
AC 115-125v 60CPS 40w
Amplifier model no. AS-1
Serial no. 00072-108
AC 115-125v 60CPS 40w
We have included a 20 second movie in the listing (located just below the pics of the amplifier) to give you a tease as to how this Muse works and sounds.
The hand you see in the video in no way represents the Muses current owner and is merely a prop “hired hand” to assist in the demonstration.
The Muse in the movie is the actual Muse that you will receive if you are the winner of this action.
We do not have the patch cords that go from the Muse to the amplifier to test the operation of the amplifier.
So the amplifier was not tested and is being sold along with the Muse in “as is” condition.
This is truly a rare opportunity to own both the Muse and the amplifier.
We have started the auction at what we believe, is a reasonable starting price.
This would make a wonderful Christmas present for yourself or the “techno-geek” in your life.
The Muse had an even rarer accessory, the “Light Show”, which flashed colored lights in time to the music.
In all of my travels I have only seen one of these.
It was a very simple circuit and was constructed of, believe it or not, G.E. colored Christmas lights.
Manufacturer: Triadex Inc., Brookline, Massachusetts
Inventors: Edward Fredkin and Marvin Minsky
Original Price: $300
Date of Manufacture: 1971
The original Muse was designed by MIT graduates Edward Fredkin and Marvin Minsky in the late 1960’s.
Minsky was on the set of “2001 A Space Odyssey”, and taught Stanley Kubrick about Artificial Intelligence as he created Hal.
Some years later, Edward Fredkin created the Fredkin Prize, which awarded the creator or creators of the first computer to compete and win the World Chess Championship.
The Muse is a music composer machine or digital synthesizer and melody composer,
involving early logic modules in a unique circuit that allows the possibility of 14 trillion musical note combinations
The Muse is an algorithmic music generator: it uses digital logic circuits to produce a sequence of notes based on the settings of various parameters.
The four small sliders in the lower-left control Volume, Tempo, Pitch, and Fine Pitch.
The switches to either side are used to start and stop the sequence, or to step through it note-by-note.
Of the eight larger sliders on the right, four control the musical intervals used (labeled A, B, C, and D), and four control the theme (labeled W, X, Y, and Z).
A rest can be substituted for the lowest note by flipping a toggle switch.
The exact logic behind the composition engine is rather technical, and not exactly intuitive.
The tempo clock can be slaved to that of another Muse, allowing for multi-part compositions.
The Muse is the subject of U. S. Patent 3610801, and their patent abstract of this electronic music composer reads as follows:
In the apparatus disclosed herein, a note generator is controlled by a long term, quasi-periodic function which is in turn generated by applying digital feedback in preselected combinations around a digital register.
The register comprises means for holding a plurality of bits of digital information in a given order, e.g. a shift register or counter, the held information being changeable according to a predetermined pattern in response to input signals applied thereto.
Digital feedback is provided by applying to the register at least one input signal which is obtained according to a preselectable or adjustable code from bits of information obtained from various points in the register itself.
The apparatus thus, in effect, composes music as distinguished from merely synthesizing sound.
It is not known exactly how many Muses were made, [cyberlegend has it that only 280 were made] but they are very rare, and were not available in stores.”

via Matrix

8 thoughts on “Rare Triadex Muse Sequencer Going To Highest Bidder

  1. In 1969, I went to Boston to visit a young lady. Having to wait around all day till she got off work, I ended up at the Museum of Science. They had a newly acquired Muse running. After ending up in the "Do-Not-Enter" areas of the museum a very nice, and very old, lady tracked down the info I was looking for hidden in one of the rows of filing cabinets. (No computer databases then!) Finally, I found that they were invented by two MIT professors… Off to MIT… Found professor Marvin Minsky. He was not interested in giving out much info as he was very busy. I did not know at the time what a huge mind he was and am glad I met him. I have some of his books now. He did explain where the other inventor was.

  2. (Cont…) So, off to another huge building and located professor Edward Fredkin. (At least they were both teaching classes, so I assumed they were professors!) He was very interested in my highschool interest in the muse. He spent a lot of time explaining it and even gave me the original manual that came with one. (Which I still have.) He opened his briefcase and showed me a small ciruit board that he attached to a 9-volt battery. It played a small boogie-woogie type song. Very exciting for 1969! Well, that is my "Muse" story! Enjoy…

  3. I now own 4 Muses – so they are not so hard to find! Have been able to sync them – a friend found the Molex connectors and made up cables for me. Yes the sound is very simple, so I run them through reverbs, filters, etc. As an ensemble they can make quite a nice backing for my keyboard improvs. One on its own can be a fine jamming parter. Nice one, Marvin!

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