6 thoughts on “Offensive And Awesome Tits & Clits Poster

  1. Silly me… when I saw the logo, I assumed it must be a lesbian electro band.

    Is it too much to ask that a group calling themselves Tits & Clits actually have some on its membership? Or else just call yourselves “Pathetic and desperate for pussy”

  2. The name is a poor choice for blokes, I concur with AL. But I like the stylized, almost 80s-retro-DVNO logo very much.

    However, that “Armageddon” font just doesn’t jive there.

  3. Hey, i’m the one from tits&clits..:)

    actually the name is just all a (bad) joke.. we havent known we gonna get any attention on us when we chose the name, actually our myspace was only a place for uploading some new tracks and showing it to friends..and we didnt want to change our name as long as it gets attention. First, get attention, second listen to the music and maybe you’ll even like it..:)


  4. Well… those are some good tracks.

    “House Music” – it works. Definitely. Good one.

    “Attack of the Living Dead” – eh, this one grated on me after a while. The remix was good, though.

    Can’t say much to the other remixes, as I’m not familiar with the originals, but the Varga Szuzsa one is pretty catchy.

    “Armageddon” – yeah, I like this. Except… there’s one sample of, it sounds like a guy just doing a rough scream into a mic. The first time it comes up, it’s leading into that fat saw synth line, which works great. But the second time it comes in, near the end, it stands out a bit too much.

    Just my thoughts, worth less than the electrons they’re printed on…

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