The Sound Experiments Of Brian William Green

SeeYouInSleep is a blog created by Brian William Green – a sound artist, visual artist and writer. The site captures a wide variety of Green’s experiments in sound, ranging from circuit bent instruments to found sound to generative music.

According to Green:

Seeyouinsleep, among many things, is a feeling and a vision. However, I would like for it to be understood as a portfolio and a folder of sorts rather than thinking of it as a name.

SeeYouInSleep is full of interesting audio experiments, and is updated daily with something new.

Here are a few examples from the site:

Vase + stereo mics + generative processing is “Just a little experiment using a vase, i really enjoy the sounds i was getting out of that thing im thinking of buying a few at different sizes to mess with.”

Haze is a track made using LSDJ for the Gameboy and a generative processing setup in Ableton Live.

2 thoughts on “The Sound Experiments Of Brian William Green

  1. Brian is really helping to push the boundaries of the generative music scene. I love everything he does. I am always amazed at the sheer volume of work that Brian puts out. It's as though he never sleeps, and if you follow him on Twitter (, it's obvious that he almost never does.

  2. Brian has built an amazing sound design catalog over the past few years.I have seen him truly evolve as a musician. His sound experiments resonate a diverse audio assortment, and his approach is unique.

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