Bolero Electronica

This video preview for Bolero Electronica was presented by Amin Bhatia at the 2010 NAMM Show as part of a great presentation put on by The Moog Foundation. We’ll have more on this later!

via interstellarcrew:

Thanks for asking about the synths used Amin Bhatia in Bolero Electronica. Yes, seventy-five years of technology represented in over 100 pieces of gear – that’s a lot of tweaking!

Here’s a two-minute video reduction of the full length version with music accompanied by text to give you an idea of what you’re hearing. For a closer look you should refer to the ‘Virtuality’ CD booklet which contains a full chart for Bolero Electronica as well a stanza by stanza guide written by synth historian Mark Vail.

If you don’t have the booklet yet, you can get more info from

One thought on “Bolero Electronica

  1. Thanks to Amin Bhatia for a travel through time.

    I have been working on a similar project for a year. Can you imagine, that I never new about Bolero Electronica. Perhaps that is good, because otherwise you would have scared me away!

    I set myself the challenge to see how far one can come with sampled sounds on a softsyn. So, it ended up being somewhat different

    Bo from Rail Road riders
    [youtube 3yXP0vz36m4 youtube]

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