Yamaha CS80 Synth Porn

Logan Mannstrane’s CS80 Ambient Improvisation Video Montage is more synth porn than synth jam, but it is a gorgeous homage to the king of synths, the Yamaha CS80.

It also immediately brought to mind one of Vangelis’ least-loved recordings. Can you guess the album?

Here are the details on Mannstrane’s CS80 setup:

Signal flow is: CS80==>SRE-555 Tape Echo==> Siemens 245b EQ ==> Eventide 2016 Reverb==> Prism Orpheus AD/DA

Left Channel is SRE-555 Output A, Right channel is SRE-555 Output B. Chorus is output from A+B. Spring Reverb is output from B. Tape Delay is Output B. Direct Signal is output A.

7 thoughts on “Yamaha CS80 Synth Porn

  1. Come on, 1977, 8 voices, presets, a ribbon and polyphonic aftertouch? That thing is a marvel. There are certainly very few other synths held in such high esteem.

  2. Not exactly the king of Polyfonic Analog Synth of the World but a very rich sounding
    and personal sound. The King of Heavy Weight it is!!!
    A monster that can cost you a Ribbon and a leg keeping it alive and working properly.
    Bad musical inprovisation. Lacks feeling and Music Theory.

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