Multiplayer Particle Visualizer For iPad – Gravitarium 2

This is a little off-topic, but interesting: Gravitarium 2 is a new app for the iPad that’s the first multiplayer particle visualizer.

It combines an electronic music soundtrack with generative visuals that you control with multitouch gestures. And you can connect wirelessly with other users to use it in a multiplayer mode.

Is it a game? A music video? An interactive artwork? A clever promo app?

Check it out and let us know what you think……

It’s available for free $1.99 in the App Store


  • Multitouch (uto 10 touch points in single mode, 20 in multiplayer mode)
  • Thousands of particles animated at 60 frames per second
  • Changing/manual colors
  • Play/pause the animation
  • Save snapshots to your Photo Library
  • Original soundtrack (includes 10 relaxing tracks by Silent Strike)
  • Multiple animation options (ex: speed, tail, size, opacity, etc.)
  • Ability to save and load option presets
  • Multiple play modes: default, drawing, tranquility and user defined
  • Multiplayer over wifi/internet (auto-match or invite-a-friend)
  • Ability to send “likes” and GameCenter friend requests
  • Leaderboards: “like” count, overall time spent, overall time spent connected
  • Syncronized options and soundtrack during multiplayer sessions

5 thoughts on “Multiplayer Particle Visualizer For iPad – Gravitarium 2

  1. Is it a toy to let talentless people believe they are ‘making music’?? ermm YES! ‘Look at me mum, I ‘made’ this’, er no, the software made it. You just provided your fingers to start the software. You would get equal results using your @r5e cheeks to start it up! 🙂

    I am not a fan of these apps. If they get kids interested in making music then great.

    1. It has nothing to do with making music, it's not generating audio, it just has an awesome soundtrack and it's all for fun.

  2. The critics of this app don’t seem to see the entertainment value of this app. You’re not making music, you’re just using your fingers to make patterns in an interactive way. It is interesting the same way plasma balls and other displays of that type are interesting.

    My biggest complaint is that your fingers get in the way of the display, and when you use 5 or more fingers, your hands block most of the screen. I have not tried it in multi-player mode but that looks interesting.

    Think of it as a “visualizer” type display where you interact with the output instead of having it based on music.

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