Synthesizer Day At Rough Trade East – But Why Not Everywhere?

Synth shop Schneiders Buero will celebrate a Synthesizers Day on Wednesday 2nd May, starting at 2pm at Rough Trade East in London.

There will be several workshops on tools and instruments all over the shop just for one day Moving through the shop ‘will be a new adventure for the audience’. All installations will be in sync with each other, giving you beats and atmosphere all over the shop from a live performance, differing on where you are and what just happens.

At the front of the shop, Herr Schneider will moderate a workshop on several modular systems that will generate an experimental atmosphere of sounds and beats.

In other corners of the shop, there will be fresh UK based manufacturers of electronic devices playing and presenting their own products in time: Steve Jones, director of Cronic will be playing on his VXXY and The Alphasphere, a controller for beats and performance will be presented by its inventor Adam.

The testsalon will be filled with modular and desktop synth gear to play and will be performed by several clients and users throughout the day. Onur Oezer from Istanbul, T.Raumschmiere from Berlin and other artists are asked to come, still t.b.c.

The highlight of the day may be a performance by Wolfgang Seidel a.k.a. Sequenza and the partner of Conrad Schnitzler (R.I.P), both headliners of the Krautrock era.

Sounds like a great event -but it’s too bad it’s only in London. Maybe other synth shops should join in – and make this an International Synthesizer Day!

If any other synth shops decide to join in, let us know and we’ll share the news…..

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