The President Of North Korea Shows Off His Awesome Modular Synthesizer

The President Of North Korea, doing his best to look like synthesist and sound designer Richard Devine, shows off his awesome modular synth and indulges in the decadences of Trash Audio & Xart Synth Meet 8.

Trash Audio & Xart Synth Meet 8 not only has the longest name ever for a synth meet up, but they apparently have to make it two days long so people can recover from the first day.

If you made it to Trash Audio & Xart Synth Meet 8 and made it back without getting dry-humped by a beast, leave a comment with your secrets.

via trashaudio

10 thoughts on “The President Of North Korea Shows Off His Awesome Modular Synthesizer

  1. Looks like it was fun. The video editing was a bit weird. It's like a selection of esoteric jokes from the night that we'll never understand. I wanted more gear pr0n, damnit.

  2. I'm not entirely sure what exactly happened, but this may have been one of the funniest, coolest videos I've seen here on Synthtopia. As the user "fuck you" just said, this looked like a blast!

    Fuckin' booze and acid!

  3. Lot’s of sounds, plenty of loops, various ‘soundscapes’, a whole lot of raw “humor” and some screwing around.. BUT WTF happened to any semblance of musicianship ?? I dunno, this whole thing resembles a social event defined as BEING “circuit-bent”! It’s freaking bizarre alright.

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