DigiEnsemble – “St Anna” for iPod, iPad & iPhone

DigiEnsemble – “St Anna” for iPod, iPad & iPhone

The DigiEnsemble Berlin is an experimental study group founded and led by Matthias Krebs that follows a systematic approach to playing on mobile devices (iphone, ipad & co). Regular meetings are held for group practice as well as discussion and refinement of the approach.

via DigiEnsemble:

Infos: http://digiensemble.de

– english below –

Die Variation “St. Anna” ist eine Eigenkomposition von Uwe für das DigiEnsemble. Er selbst spielt die erste Violine und hat die musikalische Leitung. Es handelt sich um eine klassische Stilkopie, die mit Streicherbesetzung und Querflöte (App: jeweils ThumbJam) auf traditionelle Art und Weise musiziert wird. Interessant war die musikalische Probenarbeit, bei der Dynamik, gemeinsame Einsätze sowie die Phrasierungen — sehr ähnlich wie bei einem traditionellen Streichensemble — gearbeitet wurden.

Die Mitglieder des DigiEnsemble Berlin sind experimentierfreudige Musikerinnen und Musiker, die an der Universität der Künste Berlin mit iPhone, iPod-Touch und iPad gemeinsam Musik machen. Ziel ist es im Zusammenspiel auszuprobieren, ob und wie mit den kleinen Geräten musiziert werden kann.

Dabei entstehen Musikstücke aus den unterschiedlichsten Stilrichtungen zwischen „klassischem” Streichensemble bis hin zum tanzbaren R’n’B-Act. Wichtig ist, dass die Musik auf den Hosentaschen-Instrumenten interessant klingt und musikalisch ist.

Fullwidth Video


5 thoughts on “DigiEnsemble – “St Anna” for iPod, iPad & iPhone

  1. I agree with you Bubowski…I was thinking the very same thing…there was nothing appealing
    about 5 people staring at a dinky screen and weaving back and forth….and I agree with the visual experience as well..this is why artist and bands use lighting effects, giant screens, fog machines…could you imagine a heavy metal band just standing in a semi-circle, shredding on their guitars and weaving back and forth ??? Someone downraved you, but I fixed that 😉

  2. Oh well. No one appreciates a Luddite (regardless of how correct they might be 🙂 I think it's great that they have created a sonically pleasing performance…but I am finding that there is a real disconnect between electronic performers (this includes controllerists and DJs) and the emotional connection of the audience to the performance.

    I think this is even more exacerbated when the instrument i something the size of a cellphone. Call it human nature, but I think there is something missing between the sound being generated and a visual correlation to the instrument creating it.

  3. funny how the downraver(s) aren't sounding off…I'll refer to them as Hit-N-Runners…

    Come on guys/gals, let's her your point of view.

  4. I agree. If they, (or just one of them!) had made this as a recording using those devices, I see the point. But I would never pay to sit and watch this type of performance.

    While we are at it… I always crack up when I see stiff classical/collegiate types do something pretty mundane on an electronic device and act like they are some kind of groundbreaking genius.

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