Watch Band A Wrist-Based MIDI Controller For Apple Watch

FingerTaps has introduced Watch Band – an app that turns an Apple Watch into an instrument and MIDI Controller.

Watch Band lets you play:

  • Guitar Chords
  • Drum Pads
  • Rhythm Loops
  • ‘A full 88 key piano’

Watch Band also functions as a wireless MIDI controller on your wrist. Watch Band uses your iPhone and Core Midi to connect to your MIDI capable applications.


  • Control Pro Tools / Logic / Live or other MIDI applications
  • Set Tap Tempos for effects or delays
  • Toggle effects on & off
  • Adjust recording levels
  • Tweak your mix from anywhere!
  • Watch Band has a variety of midi control screens to choose from including Buttons, Pads, Switches and Multi Channel Mixer,

Watch Band is available now for US $.99 in the App Store.

19 thoughts on “Watch Band A Wrist-Based MIDI Controller For Apple Watch

  1. This site is getting more and more comical. Lets fast forward 12 months and see who is using these?
    Really stupid product for people with more money than sense.

    1. Couldn’t agree more with you.
      Supposedly this is a place for music gear. I propose to split synthtopia into synthtopia and itopia (and leave the latest for all these [car accident prone] gadgets)

      1. Nice to see others scratching our heads about this sites name etc.
        I heard a joke about an I pad,
        it said they are a form of sanitary protection , as there is always a ‘XXXX’ stuck to one!!

    2. It’s always interesting how every new platform drives luddites insane.

      “Supposedly this is a place for music gear.”

      Said Synthtopia never. They’ve always been about synthesis and electronic music-making. And few things are more fundamental to electronic music than MIDI.

      I’m old enough to remember when the luddites thought DAWs were stupid, then it was virtual instruments, then it was iPads….

      The whole ‘get off my lawn’ thing IS sort of humorous, though.

      1. Your post is comical, I am 48 my first synth was a Jen Sx 1000. First Comp an Atari .
        ‘I’m old enough to remember when the luddites thought DAWs were stupid, then it was virtual instruments, then it was iPads….’
        Your ignoring whats being said regards the argument . Can you really infer people not impressed by a gimmick watch that we are luddites? That is a joke (?)

        I have a very good studio with v up to date synths, mpcs , a couple of decent desks etc Strymon effects .Analogue polys, Analogue monos, digital synths etc ran via a midi sequencer. I have a four track Ep getting cut this week in Paris for a techno label. We are on synthtopia and you want to call us luddites ? No mate, we know our stuff.
        Are you red faced as you have just blown 500 notes on a watch and a box of andrex?

        £479.00 to £949.00
        View Apple Watch cases at their actual size in the Apple Store app. …. Prices are inclusive of VAT (20%) and Insurance Premium Tax (where applicable) but …

        Your post is a laugh, whats your music like?

        1. Brandon

          What are you referring to when you say “Your ignoring whats being said regards the argument”?

          Was it this insightful bit: “I heard a joke about an I pad, it said they are a form of sanitary protection”?

          Or the part where you suggest that new technology is for “people with more money than sense”?

          If the most intelligent complaints you can make about a new technology are that “It’s expensive!” or “It’s stupid!”, you might as well just go straight to “Get off my lawn!”

          1. “Your ignoring whats being said regards the argument”?

            Couldn’t agree more with you.
            Supposedly this is a place for music gear. I propose to split synthtopia into synthtopia and itopia (and leave the latest for all these [car accident prone] gadgets)

            apple watch …. ?
            come on synthtopia – are you serious ?

            That a watch to make music on , seems very off the wall. Someone remarked about a full 88 key piano,

            You aren’t putting forward an argument to why this watch is a great step forward
            for music tech, but your having a go at those of us who think a watch really has no place on Synthtopia.
            Do you have a youtube page ? or sound cloud page where you demonstrate you work with Ipads , and digital watches?

            The argument is , if you read the posts that this can’t be serious as a music device or synthesizer? If you beg to differ either tell us why , or don’t insult us (us being those of us who have posted on here and been critical of its inclusion on a forum about synthesizers)

            Your line

            Or the part where you suggest that new technology is for “people with more money than sense”?

            I do not suggest new technology is for people with more money than sense, my remark is clearly that the apple watch is very expensive and a joke for making music on.

            ‘New Technology ‘ is not a phrase used by me , but you have used that in a sentence to try distort what is said.

            If your an apple fan boy , big deal. A big round of applause for you .
            Perhaps you could tell us when you intend to post on this forum or youtube or sound cloud , your I pad and watch tracks?

            I make music for vinyl, I have many friends who are working producers, Music tech lecturers etc.

            Luddite – any opponent of technological progress………I can’t see how even you can level that idea at people on this forum.

    1. Yore right of course… Haven’t thought about that before…
      Maybe, just maybe, we will see some useful apps for Apple Watch, that will compliment and even enhance our use of “traditional” instruments and DAWS… Mey e…

    1. There are zero positive comments about this app in the comment thread above – zero – and you’re suggesting that Synthtopia is ‘censoring comments about apple products?

      How is your statement supposed to make sense?

  2. When Steve Jobs died, ( what a relief to see the back of that ego maniac) jokes about his death got taken down and posts referring to Apples business practices where taken down and have been taken down, for being off topic,that is censorship.

  3. All the negative trolling is ridiculous! Its a differently sized computer device, everybody needs to seriously calm down and realize that all of there devices are just computers. Computers are getting better and smaller so companies are making them in different physical sizes now, this is not a new thing! We got the laptop, then the smartphone, then the tablet, now we have the smartwatch. The devices have their pros and cons based on interface, screen size, sensors/camera, and of course hardware specifications.

    Computers are just tools. you buy the tools you need (or just plain want if you have a techie lifestyle) but don’t judge other people for how they use computers. A tool is a tool, you don’t go talking crap about people buying the expensive power drill.

    The people who don’t see that all these things are just computers or a tool to use for a function is just as brainwashed by apple and competitor marketing as apple fanatics are.

    Even though I do think this app looks kinda ugly, here it is the first midi controller app. Is it the killer apple watch app? no. but was the first midi controller app for iOS? While i wouldn’t buy one for that purpose, all the little companion apps look nice and if I had one i’d use them and it would make some things more convenient. I for one would love a transport and record button on my wrist when i walk across the studio to my keyboard rack.

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