Dude Shreds On An Electric Fan In The Bathhouse

Ei Wada shared this jam on the vintage electric fan in the local bathhouse on a winter morning.

It’s part of Wada’s ELECTRONICOS FANTASTICOS! project, in which he reincarnates old electrical appliances as new electromagnetic instruments, to invent new ways to play music.

Share your thoughts on the ‘Electric Fan Harp’ in the comments!

27 thoughts on “Dude Shreds On An Electric Fan In The Bathhouse

  1. “Shreds” indeed. Clever use of FX. Looks like he still has all 10, so good on him!

    I like the dude in the laundromat in the background.

  2. Right…..as fun and brilliantly executed as this was, a site called Synthtopia would rather cover this than the SynthFest occurring in France with a slew of hardware synthesisers being announced. Except one wouldn’t know coming here.

      1. You do know noise and industrial music uses fascism, racism, homophobia, sexism, etc ironically right? Boyd is just a troll.

        1. Industrial music use extreme elements for shocking people but they want to say just the other thing . Boyd Rice use to much nazi symbolics yes i agree with you this is a very poor way to provocate same with Death in June and a few Electronic Body Music bands . The border good or bad is very very small.

    1. Boyd Rice , S.P.K , Throbbing Gristle , Zev , Zoviet France , Einsturzende Neubauten and many many other Industrialists did this before yes .

  3. Why use ‘dude’ in the headline when you already know it’s the artist/musician Ei Wada? Are Asian names less deserving of headlines?

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