New Album Celebrates The 75th Birthday Of The Late Klaus Schulze

Aural Films has released a new album, celebrating the 75th birthday of the late Klaus Schulze, Requiem.

Here’s what they have to say about it:

“What could be more natural now than to honor not only Klaus’ birthday, but his whole life – that was the starting signal for REQUIEM. And once again, artists from all over the world came together in no time at all, ready to reignite the flickering flame of electronic music and shout one last musical “hello” to Klaus.

Electronic sound experiments, expansive ambient atmospheres and meandering sequencer orgies alternate with contemporary chill-out rhythms and modern electronica excursions – there is no aspect of Klaus Schulze’s music which is not paid tribute to, be it for 3:00 or even 30 minutes. It’s alive, the Berlin School, even if its founding father has retired. And they have done their homework, the (partly not so) young rascals. Klaus’ spirit lives on – in his music, in our memories and in the music of those he inspired.”

For fans of Klaus Schulze, the album offers both a collection of music inspired by Schulze, and an introduction to a wide range of artists from around the world that have been inspired by his music.

You can preview Requiem via the embed below. It’s available to purchase for $5 on Bandcamp. All proceeds will be donated to the UN Refugee Agency, which is working to support the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Ukraine that has displaced millions of people.

14 thoughts on “New Album Celebrates The 75th Birthday Of The Late Klaus Schulze

    1. I’m always surprised when people treat someone’s death as an opportunity to promote themselves.

      Not sure what Claudia Kalensky has to do with this post, this tribute album or Klaus Schulze.

      1. Is it maybe because this album and article are about a collection of tributes to Klaus and my post is about another ‘tribute’ to Klaus?

        1. Your comment is probably well-intentioned, but Kalensky’s page isn’t a tribute, it just says that ‘experts will notice the influence of Klaus Schulze’ on their music.

          Since you brought it up anyway, though, is there music on that page that you think is especially relevant to Schulze fans? I tried to check them out, but the files were .wma files, an old proprietary Microsoft Windows format.

  1. As I have always felt….visionary, talented, technology savvy, …..

    Klaus is spiritually alive and well in the hearts of his family, friends…

    Thank you Klaus….

  2. My tribute shall be a track for my ‘Smokers Don’t Need Pensions’ album for Klaus.
    According to NHS: ‘Smoking is an independent risk factor for renal failure; smokers are four times more likely to develop renal failure compared to non-smokers.’

  3. I downloaded the album and it’s well worth the $5 – there are close to 70 tracks and many of them are long – and it supports a good cause.

    The music varies from excellent to just OK, but you can hear how the various artists were inspired by Schulze, and I discovered a few new artists that I like!

    1. lol
      Me thinks Chiara gives a good as Chiara gets.
      “Your comment is probably well-intentioned” Aww that’s just so sweet.

  4. What does ‘tribute’ mean to Chiara?

    Cambridge dictionary says :
    tribute noun : something that you say, write, or give that shows your respect and admiration for someone…

    Let us travel back in time 10 years:
    VLC media player will play those bothersome .wma files.

    And on KX777free website, top right is VIDEOS, which takes you to their Youtube channel full of music.

    One wonders just how hard you tried to listen to the music.

  5. Hello everyone

    By hazard of google searches I read your comments.

    Klaus Schulze is dead but not his poetic music which stays alive.
    He bequeaths us his electronic musical grammar, what a magnificent gift.

    This musician saved me, he allowed me to escape and have good imaginary dreams, even very romantic when I was a teenager.
    It allowed me to understand that you can do complex things musically if you respect yourself by using electronic music to describe worlds or feelings, physical feelings, what you want, we dance on this kind of music.

    Since many years, sometimes I did KS Dream tracks but it’s more like CK Dream because playing using a similar structures to old KS tracks allows me to describe very personal feelings or imaginary places and at the same time I pay tribute to KS of course, it’s like playing blues, the return to the roots of electronic music to make it fun, that’s all.
    You know my work it’s not an egocentric tribute, just a thank you!
    Sure I did not wait to said thank you mister Schulze.
    I believe Klaus Schulze did not like when we play these king of tracks anyways.
    So now if I will do another KS Dream tracks, that will be too strange to think about him and about all the sens of that.
    Of course I can play what I want and even if no boby understand my tracks ^_^.


  6. Hello everyone

    By hazard of google searches I read your comments.

    Klaus Schulze is dead but not his poetic music which stays alive.
    He bequeaths us his electronic musical grammar, what a magnificent gift.

    This musician saved me, he allowed me to escape and have good imaginary dreams, even very romantic when I was a teenager.
    It allowed me to understand that you can do complex things musically if you respect yourself by using electronic music to describe worlds or feelings, physical feelings, what you want, we dance on this kind of music.

    Since many years, sometimes I did KS Dream tracks but it’s more like CK Dream because playing using a similar structures to old KS tracks allows me to describe very personal feelings or imaginary places and at the same time I pay tribute to KS of course, it’s like playing blues, the return to the roots of electronic music to make it fun, that’s all.
    You know my work it’s not an egocentric tribute, just a thank you!
    Sure I did not wait to said thank you mister Schulze.
    Anyways I believe Klaus Schulze did not like when we play these kind of tracks.
    So now if I will do another KS Dream tracks, that will be too strange to think about him and about all the sens of that.
    Of course I can play what I want and even if no boby understand my tracks ^_^.

    ? All moderns players can play 24 bit 48 k WMA format, it’s a real audio good format to avoid too big fikes on my url, better than PCM 16 bit 44 k.


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