Different Drummer Updated To Version 4.0

Techné Media has released an updated version of Different Drummer – its drum machine iOS app. According to the company, Different drummer lets you create ‘repeating patterns, infinite patterns, simple patterns, complex patterns, straight rhythms, poly rhythms, human feel, robot feel, arpeggios, chord progressions, fills, sequences, dynamics and much more’. Here’s what’s new in Different… Read More Different Drummer Updated To Version 4.0

$300 iPad App, Different Drummer, Lets You Tap Into The ‘Fountain Of Drumming’

Hologramophone has released a iPad drum machine app, Different Drummer – priced at $299.99 – that promises to let you ‘use the innate rhythmic power of waves to control all aspects of drumming.’ Here’s what they have to say about their approach: Since waves are the primal source of all cyclical motion in the Universe, it makes… Read More $300 iPad App, Different Drummer, Lets You Tap Into The ‘Fountain Of Drumming’