A Synth Party Is Our Type Of Party

Experimental Synth’s Chris Stack sent this video our way from his recentย Synth Party.

Sadly, we weren’t invited – but it does look like it was quite the soiree, with Korg, Moog & Yamaha in attendance.

Stack adds, “If it’s not fun, it’s not music.”

20 thoughts on “A Synth Party Is Our Type Of Party

  1. Personally I hate videos like this. and everyone LOVES to make them. Bunch of ethereal garbage. I mean I like ethereal stuff sometimes, who doesnt? but who wants to see it for 10 minutes (yes I know this one was short)? It really takes no talent to make that kind of music. "oh, that note sounds good over that note, so jut let them both ring out until I get ballsy and take a chance at finding another note that might sound good." I especially love it when someone is "testing out" a new piece of gear and they do this. These videos show very little pontential in any piece of gear. These women dont even know what they're doing. and if you've ever gotten to fool around with a kaossilator for 5 minutes youd look like you knew what you were doing more than derp face at the end there. Electronic music is powerful, exciting, a happy occasion. Now that'd be a REAL synth party.

  2. The merits I see in this video is that it shows music as an activity that brings people together. Kind of a modern version of everyone getting together around the piano. It's not a killer demo of the gear, but there are plenty of those out there. It's a reminder that at its most beneficial, music is a shared recreational experience. I like the quote at the end too. That's too easily forgotten sometimes.

  3. they are having fun. that should be enough for everyone. i rather see this than another 'weekend synth wank' by some nerdy synth freak. there is nothing better than having a couple of people who never have played a synth fooling around with them and be amazed by them, just like i was once, years ago.

  4. all i know is that watching that hot blonde stroke all of these hot synths made me kinda excited. and that's all that matters.

  5. Okay, okay geniuses. I happened to be at that party and I know both women very well. They aren't in anyway musicians and didn't "even know what [they were] doing". They were just playing around and Chris thought it would be fun to record his friends playing with his gear. No one said this was a gear demo or a video of seasoned musicians. Take it up with Synthtopia for posting it if it bothers you that much, but really as a synth fan I'm more excited about looking at all the cool gear in this vid. The real party was actually upstairs where I live and were the other 30+ people were. They just dropped down to have some different fun.

    Is there ever any reason to be this rudely critical??

  6. Vincent, you are exactly right. If I can regain a little of my initial sense of wonder from watching this video (I really hope I can) I will consider watching it time well spent.

  7. Oh pretty look, give me a break! I’ll watch my girlfriend play on her Casio, much more interesting and sounds good. Not blaming Chris, I put tons of videos online that no one wants to see. I blame whomever decided this deserved to be hightlighted.

    1. Well, stuff like this is what makes me come back to Synthtopia on an almost daily basis.

      They (try to) cover /everything/ synth related. From photo's of someone's 3 year old having a great time behind his (rather extensive) gear, video's like this where a couple of girls are having some good fun playing with some keyboard synths right to highly detailed reports of the latest developments and announcements of either hardware or software synths. AND everything in between of course.

      Synthtopia isn't about featuring "the best" or "the greatest", its about featuring "everything" directly related to synths.

      Sometimes you like it, sometimes you don't. And sometimes you discover stuff you didn't even know you liked ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. It was obvious to anyone that actually watched the video what was going on.
    But people like to bitch and act like babies, so there you go.
    You know why they are so rude and critical? because they can be evidently.
    I enjoyed the video, the girls weren't trying to make their next masterpiece.

  9. Synthfan – thanks for the kind feedback.

    We do try to cover a mix and we know that there are topics, technologies, music and musicians that we cover that some readers won't like or may even hate. And we know that this is going to occasionally lead to some heated discussions.

    But I hope readers remember to take time to press that key and listen and just wallow in the sound.

  10. Synthfan – thanks for the kind feedback.

    We do try to cover a mix and we know that there are topics, technologies, music and musicians that we cover that some readers won't like or may even hate. And we know that this is going to occasionally lead to some heated discussions.

    But I hope readers remember to take time to press that key and listen and just wallow in the sound.

  11. Synthfan – thanks for the kind feedback.

    We do try to cover a mix and we know that there are topics, technologies, music and musicians that we cover that some readers won't like or may even hate. And we know that this is going to occasionally lead to some heated discussions.

    But I hope readers remember to take time to press that key and listen and just wallow in the sound.

    And buddog20, you can blame me for wasting your time with that video.

  12. Don't worry about the trolls. They probably don't come within 10 feet of ladies, let alone ladies game to play with synths. Besides, they never get invited to parties so who cares? ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. I never said it was a waste of time, just thought it was going to be more! All that beautiful gear (I wish I had) and nothing shown but a couple smiles. I was hoping for more synth I guess. Here's one of my first plays with my first synth, nothing special, but it's all synth, well and sampler for the beat.[youtube -_mTkPy5D80 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_mTkPy5D80 youtube]

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