Audio Housing Compact One Music Production Desk Updated

Audio Housing let us know that they’ve introduced an updated version of their Compact One music production desk, a custom desk design tailored to the requirements of music and audio production.

The new version features a walnut brown varnish, paired with matte black finish on the visible screws. They told us that they’ve updated the hardware also, to make assembly even easier.

The Compact One is a three level, space-saving desk, featuring dual pull-out trays and integrated cable management.

It is inspired by Scandinavian mid-century design and is designed to accommodate a complete, compact music production setup. It can host most of the 61 keys controllers available, monitors, a computer and several sound modules or other electronic music devices within 115 x 62 x 92 cm (45 x 24,5 x 36 inches).

Pricing and Availability

The Audio Housing Compact One is available for pre-order now for 699€, with delivery expected in late April/early May.

15 thoughts on “Audio Housing Compact One Music Production Desk Updated

  1. Has anyone received their Compact One? Is there *any* wobble to it at all? I’m worried that the assembly would allow for a little bit of wobble. Also does it feel like it has a finite number of disassembled/reassemblies to it? As someone who has had to move between a fair number of rentals, that’s my other major concern. Would love to hear from those who’ve received theirs already.

    I also wish it were available raw/unfinished.

    1. I don’t know about this desk, but my Output Platform, though VERY sturdy, had zero disassembles in it. I ended up having to move it in an incredibly wonky way, and the rental it’s in now will be it’s final resting place.

      1. That’s very interesting. I would be extremely pissed to have bought a Platform and then found that out. It seems that the Compact One was designed with disassembly in mind, but watching the little videos on the instagram page, I’m a little worried that it’s not quite rock solid even from the get-go, let alone a move or two down the road.

  2. do the drawers/trays lock in position? I’m afraid not. I hope they add the locking feature for the next iteration

    I don’t want the drawers to keep sliding in and out as you are trying to fiddle with your devices.

    also, I don’t mind if they make a bigger version with more surface area.

    1. Why?
      You can literally buy a single chair for that price if you go for something decent.
      And I do not mean something over the top designer product, just something with decent craftsmanship that is not just particle board and veneer made in an automated process…
      Start counting the hours it would take you to make it, remove rent, machines, material and shipping from the cost and see what kind of hourly rate you would make producing it…

  3. Pretty fun idea, using a Juno 106 as your MIDI controller. Fits the minimalist aesthetic. One velocity for all your DAW needs.

  4. Thanks to everybody for the interest, comments and questions – and thanks to Synthtopia for posting our update announcement!

    The Compact One is designed to be an alternative to larger studio desks, and is made to be very flexible and to fit small spaces. This is our first product and we are currently working on a wider version as we received lots of requests for an 88 keys model. We will also offer more finishes and have already taken a few custom orders for a natural finish. We are a small family business and by combining our backgrounds in music production, interior design and engineering we hope to offer timeless and high quality furniture that gives great value for money. All our manufacturing is located in Barcelona and each product is made individually.

    The desk has specifically been engineered to allow for it to be mounted and unmounted many times and to be packed flat in a box which only measures 116x42x24cm (about 45x16x10 inches) –  very handy for moving! For batch 3 we improved the assembly even more with even higher quality hardware. Thanks to the type of fittings we use the desk becomes very sturdy and screws can easily be tightened with an Allen key over time if needed (there are a couple of videos showing this on our instagram: ).

    About locking the tray in open position – we have developed a solution for this which will soon become available for anyone who wants it (more info is coming, email us if you are interested to know more).

    The pre-order list for batch #3 has filled up quickly and we are about to start production, but there is still some availability for anyone who wants in! For any question or inquiry you can reach us at info(a)audiohousing .com

    One of our happy customers already left a comment here on Synthtopia:

    (John Gulliver January 28, 2021 at 12:53 pm Reply)
    “I received my Compact One this week. The service was great from ordering to delivery. A small, family-based company @audiohousing – this is a beautiful studio desk made from high quality materials!”

    ( )

  5. Doesn’t seem very compact to me, considering the depth of the unit. For most small and home studios, depth is the biggest offender. The size of this desk is about the same as most of the “keyboard plus tabletop” options out there right now. Plus, no built in rack spaces or way to place monitors correctly.

    Suggestions: look at the competition and innovate, or at the very least be a bit more humble re: this desk’s functionality. A space maximizing desk should be no deeper than 28” and can be a bit longer if it means the desk is useful to a professional. Minimum, the top bridge should accommodate a pair of 6” monitors on iso stands and a 27” display.

    The idea might work if they create an ecosystem around the desk: wing desks on each end with a 12u sunken rack and a monitor pedestal that looks good flush against the desk. Add one on each side and it might make a great solution. Still, desk is too deep for most folk’s homes.

    1. what on earth are you squeezing into a desk that’s less than 28″ deep? that’s genuinely not realistic, practical, or really helpful advice if it essentially renders the product impossible or near-useless. that hobbles the ability to get monitors you mention on top and have the rack space you seem to want without becoming and ergonomic mess. throw in a “humble” to sound serious and ya get one real patronizing comment.

  6. Actually, it’s the width that’s the killer for me. I have just ordered one of these beauties because

    1) it’s the only thing that will fit the space I have width ways and allow me to use my Arturia KeyLab 61 controller as it was purchased to be. Depth not so much of an issue for me, but I guess everybody has their own priorities
    2) it’s the only piece of studio furniture I’ve seen that chimes with my wife’s mid-century ‘furnishings’ vibe; she literally encouraged me to get it (highly unusual for my hobby!)
    3) the team at Audio Housing have been very supportive and responsive to my questions – which, for a small family startup, I would say is far more important than being ‘humble’

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