Multisampling specialists Wavescape Studio have released the Nord Modular G2 VOL. 01- Club Life sample library, which features sounds for pop, dance, trance, electro, house, hip-hop. All sampler presets have extensive modulations settings in each format: move the modwheel and the library starts to “breathe”.
The library is available in three different formats:
- WAVESCAPE™ MULTIPAK (EXS/EXSP24, Reason NN-XT, Kontakt, Halion, RGC SFZ player, Akai Z4/8 hardware and WAV formats – ALL FORMATS IN ONE PACKAGE, 6×94=564 categorized sampler presets!) – 310MB
- EMU EMULATORX/X2 sample pack (94 presets) – 395 MB
- TASCAM™ GIGASTUDIO 3.0 sample pack (94 presets) – 230 MB
Each package available 24/7 via electronic delivery for 9.99 $ – digital items, “free shipping”.
Details and audio demonstration are available at the Wavescape Studio site.