The Electro-Music forum has the scoop on a new synth DIY sequencer project, the Roland 100m.
It has step repeat switches:- [1-8] and gate mode switches:-
[off/single/repeat/long] for each stage, plus random & pingpong mode.
It is based around a PIC, so is software update-able.
RYK explains:
I was inspired by watching a Youtube clip of the excellent
YMO in the studio circa 1979, where they demonstrated
the Moog sequencer on their track Rydeen.
Which used the step repeat function.I went to China last year, and found some pretty obscure
8way switches, so I thought this would be a good use for them.8 pitch steps can, if used carefully, make
pretty good 4 bar bass lines, by changing the length between
notes, and repeating some notes.I was too lazy to use a decoder, so the PIC outputs BCD, which
is quite a waste of IO pins, but it keeps the board size small [no decoder chips] It does have a random step mode, if that’s what you mean.I keep wanting to add more features, but end up with having
to use “soft-selection” for modes, rather than nice big switches, which
is a shame . . .
More info: