Cwejman D-LFO Complex LFO’s

Here is a demo of the Cwejman D-LFO, dual low frequency oscillator.

The D-LFO can act as two independent LFOs or can combine the two sides to create complex modulation sources or audio sources. You can let each waveform run free or sync them. There’s also a very very cool “Sync Trip Point” knob which allows you to decide where in the waveform the cycle of the second LFO is restarted.

In the demo, Big City Music demonstrates modulating the Cwejman MMF-1, which is set to self-resonate.

2 thoughts on “Cwejman D-LFO Complex LFO’s

  1. PoisonedV – here’s our post on the Korg M50 introduction.

    Haven’t seen this in action, though. I’m more into niche synths like the new Prophet or the Andromeda.

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