Awesome Vintage Kraftwerk Video For Autobahn

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The image quality of this video is pretty poor, but it captures a fun vintage performance by Kraftwerk of Autobahn, their first hit. And you’ve got to love the BBC Tomorrow’s World narration.

Can you imagine what people must have been thinking if they saw this on TV in 1975?

It must have totally blown their minds.

And that bassline sounds surprisingly modern, even today.


Wir fahr’n fahr’n fahr’n auf der Autobahn

Vor uns liegt ein weites Tal
Die Sonne scheint mit Glitzerstrahl

Die Fahrbahn ist ein graues Band
Weisse Streifen, gruener Rand

Jetzt schalten wir ja das Radio an
Aus dem Lautsprecher klingt es dann:
Wir fah’rn auf der Autobahn…

[English translation:]

We are driving on the Autobahn

In front of us is a wide valley
The sun is shining with glittering rays

The driving strip is a grey track
White stripes, green edge

We are switching the radio on
From the speaker it sounds:

via APC

3 thoughts on “Awesome Vintage Kraftwerk Video For Autobahn

  1. Video’s working fine for me?

    Ahhh, Tomorrow’s World, such a great programme. I do miss it so, live TV (with the occasional film clip like this) and pretty much the definition of Brit geek TV. Along with Sky At Night, of course.

    How great are Kraftwerk in this? How would they have reacted then if you’d told them how many genres of music their work would create / influence?

  2. This is great video of Kraftwerk – I actually like it better than their DVD. They are playing the music and tapping their toes.

    I love how so much of their gear is sort of hacked together, too.

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