Secrets Of Jean Michel Jarre’s Synth Sounds

This video demonstrates one of the secrets of Jean Michel Jarre‘s synth sounds – using a phaser on string synth.

via AnalogAudio1:

If you want the OXYGENE / JARRE sound – and an Eminent 310 organ is to heavy, too big, too expensive for you – a Roland RS-09 “Organ / Strings” for example, can deliver a similar sound.

The sound is not 100% authentic like played with an Eminent, but it is a quite good compromise.

The RS-09 is lightweight, compact and perfect for live performances.

On this video you hear a Roland RS-09, a Roland DEP-5 for delay and an Electro-Harmonix Small Stone Pedal.

4 thoughts on “Secrets Of Jean Michel Jarre’s Synth Sounds

  1. That comes very close indeed, no doubt largely due to the Small Stone Phaser, which is part of the original sound that Jarre used with the Eminent 310 at the basis. Well done!

  2. Hello,
    lovely lush Jarre sound from the Roland RS 09, If I can obtain one with the stone pedal, what would it cost me? I have a Yamaha DJX II, which has about 5 voices similar to the Jarre sound, but not the abilities of the Roland RS 09, also the DJXII does not have the rythms needed to play Jarre songs. I wonder if there is a forum for the DJXII that can help me to play Jarre songs with the right equipment, at the cheapest cost. What about the special effects added to the Jarre music, are there keyboards available that do that?

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