Ghosts – It Begins…
This is a preview of a motion picture by surrealist storyteller BriAnna Olson, featuring Nine Inch Nail’s Ghosts.
via eidolonmanifest:
Chapter 1 & 2 film will be released under a creative commons license and will be available for download after its full release.
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Um. Ermmmm…
I'm sorry to say this, me being a filmmaker and all, but isn't this the same old, same old, over and over? It's like a parody of a "Gothic" student art-film, with no substance, and no real appeal to anyone who isn't a pretend-Goth. The colors, the "I'm in crazy pain!" looks, dipping the hands into blood, bedsheets and over the top makeup… SO boring. It's like I'm back in the early-90s and some Goth chick invited me back to her place to listen to This Mortal Coil and reading some crappy poetry inspired by gravestones.
Um. Ermmmm…
I'm sorry to say this, me being a filmmaker and all, but isn't this the same old, same old, over and over? It's like a parody of a "Gothic" student art-film, with no substance, and no real appeal to anyone who isn't a pretend-Goth. The colors, the "I'm in crazy pain!" looks, dipping the hands into blood, bedsheets and over the top makeup… SO boring. It's like I'm back in the early-90s and some Goth chick invited me back to her place to listen to This Mortal Coil and reading some crappy poetry inspired by gravestones.
Since I wasn't born full of piss and vinegar, I look forward to the release of this.
Since I wasn't born full of piss and vinegar, I look forward to the release of this.
….then by all means Del,…. show us all an example of your cinematic superiority! π Its just folks having fun.
haha on a side note it seems there a hidden story line or maybe im just over anylazing it but its seems lik the girl is dead was drowned or killed by that one pissed off dude i hate to hear del give his thoughts on the cure
First of all, I can have an opinion about something, can't I? Is it necessary that I come in and be all happy and light if I simply don't like something?
Second, I can have an opinion of something and not have to show you anything. It's just an opinion. Just because it's not a "great job!" opinion doesn't mean I'm particularly negative about it.
Third, I'm not sure about "folks having fun". I'm just saying, from MY point of view as a person who has hung around a great number of Goths back in "the day", this kind of "film" just repeats the same old themes as I've been seeing in Goth visuals for like 20 years now, and I, personally, am tired of it, and I wish Goths would kind of grow up and knock off this "oh, I'm so deep because I can film a girl thrashing around in her sheets", like there's some deeper theme here. Myself, I don't do extreme things to the outside of me, because I'm confident in who I am as a person, and I'm already "alternative" inside, and don't have to make sure everybody damn well knows about it. But that's just me; I'm actually quite a 'live and let live" kind of guy, but I sometimes just want kids to just relax and not try so hard, you know? But that's silly, and they're going to go through what they go through, I guess.
Maybe, for me, it's just… this video isn't all that "new" or "deep" to me, considering I already know these Goth-themes. Maybe for younger Goths, or people that don't know the genre it'll be all fresh and new, but to me, personally, it's old-hat, and not my cuppa tea.
If you didn't get my comment about this being like a student Art-film, then I'm guessing you don't know student art-films. I would recommend the movie "Series 7", which has a great scene involving a "Goth" art-school film in it. It's a fantastic movie in general, very telling in what would come in TV in the following years.
And by the way, The Cure isn't Goth, and never was. They're a pop band whose leader was a pomp and who did his hair up, and the band sometimes dressed in black and had a goth look. If you listen to them, they are the opposite of Goth. Hell, the Smiths and Morrisey are far more "Goth", thematically, with all his whining over how hard it is to be so great in a sea of mediocrity. Maybe that's what bugs me about this… it's trying to say, "look how cool we are, have you ever seen things this deep?", but yes, I have. 20 years ago. With videos these days, I want to see something I've never seen before, instead of the same old, same old. If you want my interest, impress me!
As for NiN… I like Trent, don't get me wrong, but his first album, and pretty much all of them since, are just produced to appeal to the Goth crowd. It's pop-goth. Don't believe me? Look at his record sales, especially of Pretty Hate Machine. No other "goth" band has ever sold so many records… it's kind of anti-Goth to do so.
But that's just me.
First of all, I can have an opinion about something, can't I? Is it necessary that I come in and be all happy and light if I simply don't like something?
Second, I can have an opinion of something and not have to show you anything. It's just an opinion. Just because it's not a "great job!" opinion doesn't mean I'm particularly negative about it.
Third, I'm not sure about "folks having fun". I'm just saying, from MY point of view as a person who has hung around a great number of Goths back in "the day", this kind of "film" just repeats the same old themes as I've been seeing in Goth visuals for like 20 years now, and I, personally, am tired of it, and I wish Goths would kind of grow up and knock off this "oh, I'm so deep because I can film a girl thrashing around in her sheets", like there's some deeper theme here. Myself, I don't do extreme things to the outside of me, because I'm confident in who I am as a person, and I'm already "alternative" inside, and don't have to make sure everybody damn well knows about it. But that's just me; I'm actually quite a 'live and let live" kind of guy, but I sometimes just want kids to just relax and not try so hard, you know? But that's silly, and they're going to go through what they go through, I guess.
Maybe, for me, it's just… this video isn't all that "new" or "deep" to me, considering I already know these Goth-themes. Maybe for younger Goths, or people that don't know the genre it'll be all fresh and new, but to me, personally, it's old-hat, and not my cuppa tea.
If you didn't get my comment about this being like a student Art-film, then I'm guessing you don't know student art-films. I would recommend the movie "Series 7", which has a great scene involving a "Goth" art-school film in it. It's a fantastic movie in general, very telling in what would come in TV in the following years.
And by the way, The Cure isn't Goth, and never was. They're a pop band whose leader was a pomp and who did his hair up, and the band sometimes dressed in black and had a goth look. If you listen to them, they are the opposite of Goth. Hell, the Smiths and Morrisey are far more "Goth", thematically, with all his whining over how hard it is to be so great in a sea of mediocrity. Maybe that's what bugs me about this… it's trying to say, "look how cool we are, have you ever seen things this deep?", but yes, I have. 20 years ago. With videos these days, I want to see something I've never seen before, instead of the same old, same old. If you want my interest, impress me!
As for NiN… I like Trent, don't get me wrong, but his first album, and pretty much all of them since, are just produced to appeal to the Goth crowd. It's pop-goth. Don't believe me? Look at his record sales, especially of Pretty Hate Machine. No other "goth" band has ever sold so many records… it's kind of anti-Goth to do so.
But that's just me.
if it's any consolation, I agree.
if it's any consolation, I agree.
woah, woah, easy DEL. you brought it up, man. if you don't want your opinion challenged, then don't post it on the internet.
woah, woah, easy DEL. you brought it up, man. if you don't want your opinion challenged, then don't post it on the internet.
he right and your last statment about nin was totally off point did u even listen to anything after the fragile or with teeth with every album the music got not only more progressive but alot of style change and dynamics to his whole sound and feel through out every album and the cure comment was a joke btw i could give less shit about your option but when u make bias comments about somone who musical talents exceeds most others and had alot influence on many musicians yea he has a goth crowd but hes not a sell out and borden his range within each album for christ sake the slip was download for free and he was locked in a contract with interscope so del lets practice thinking and research before making bias comments and belittling ppl to feed your ego
One of the big problems I've found with text is that people tend to read emotions into what others write. I'm not upset or angry in the least. I didn't say I didn't want my opinion challenged, per se, but I do find it funny that people will argue with you BASED on what your opinion is, that's all. If someone jumps on me, fine, but they might as well expect it back, right? Isn't that "fair"?
And besides, "unknown", you sound REALLY angry. Are you? I find it funny that you say I'm making biased comments, but that's exactly what you're doing. Just because my bias leans a different way, you see it as "wrong", and then you go and tell me so. Not very cool, really. I never said anyone was wrong, and that this is just my opinion. But then you spit it back in my face. Interesting. I was a music producer back in the 80s/90s Seattle heyday, so I have a particular point of view about music production. You don't share the same view. Oh no!
As for Trent, well… the fact is that EVERY musician produces their music for a specific crowd. That's the music BUSINESS. If he wanted to just make records, he'd do it without getting signed to a label, or going on massive tours, having tee shirts made, etc. That's the nature of the beast. The term "sell out" doesn't really apply to ANY musician ever since both Lou Reed and MILES DAVIS both did Honda Elite ads in the 80s. It's simply a fact that Trent makes records to sell, even if he made ONE to give away free. Trust me, it didn't hurt his bank account one little bit. Hey, even Radiohead put out a free album, and they've said they'll never do it again, so there goes that idea. I appreciate that you're a big NiN fan, but the simple fact is that if Pretty Hate Machine hadn't gotten SO much airplay when it came out, you'd barely know who Trent Reznor is today. I know he seems all "alternative", but that word no longer applies when you've sold millions of albums. For instance, Pearl Jam: when they released "10", it was "alternative" for about 10 minutes. Now those guys make exclusivity deals with Target. How is that "cool" or "alternative"? Is Nirvana alternative? Curt Cobain died a rich man, which, in the hipster world, isn't very "cool".
And yes, Trent changed his sound over the course of some albums. Does that make him some sort of genius? I say it makes him a producer, someone whose JOB it is (and don't fool yourself into thinking it's not his job to sell albums) to see ahead of the rest of the pack and do something SOME people see as "new". And yes, I HAVE listened to everything Trent has ever done, thank you very much. I never said I wasn't a fan, I'm just saying he sells to a certain crowd. If you don't understand this, then you don't understand how the system works. The word "pop", as applied here, means POPULAR. Trent Reznor is POPULAR with the Goth crowd. Britney Spears is POPULAR with the… what the hell is the name of that crowd, anyway? π
My point is, any artist, be it TOOL, NiN, MM, The Cure, or Britney Spears, is pop-music, for that genre. Besides, if you knew the history of Industrial/Dance music, you'd know that Trent, um, "borrowed" ideas from many a great Industrial band before him. I was listening to "Industrial" music about a whole decade before Trent came along.
Speaking of Trent, maybe I should've just said this earlier: In regards to the video above, hell, I saw these kinds of visuals back when Trent released the video for "Closer", and it was better back then, because at least it was new and didn't rely on tired Goth Cliches. I personally feel that clips like the one above are just copying, and not really adding much to the genre, or doing anything new and interesting. Of course, there's always fresh blood to make money off of.
But that's just me.
One of the big problems I've found with text is that people tend to read emotions into what others write. I'm not upset or angry in the least. I didn't say I didn't want my opinion challenged, per se, but I do find it funny that people will argue with you BASED on what your opinion is, that's all. If someone jumps on me, fine, but they might as well expect it back, right? Isn't that "fair"?
And besides, "unknown", you sound REALLY angry. Are you? I find it funny that you say I'm making biased comments, but that's exactly what you're doing. Just because my bias leans a different way, you see it as "wrong", and then you go and tell me so. Not very cool, really. I never said anyone was wrong, and that this is just my opinion. But then you spit it back in my face. Interesting. I was a music producer back in the 80s/90s Seattle heyday, so I have a particular point of view about music production. You don't share the same view. Oh no!
As for Trent, well… the fact is that EVERY musician produces their music for a specific crowd. That's the music BUSINESS. If he wanted to just make records, he'd do it without getting signed to a label, or going on massive tours, having tee shirts made, etc. That's the nature of the beast. The term "sell out" doesn't really apply to ANY musician ever since both Lou Reed and MILES DAVIS both did Honda Elite ads in the 80s. It's simply a fact that Trent makes records to sell, even if he made ONE to give away free. Trust me, it didn't hurt his bank account one little bit. Hey, even Radiohead put out a free album, and they've said they'll never do it again, so there goes that idea. I appreciate that you're a big NiN fan, but the simple fact is that if Pretty Hate Machine hadn't gotten SO much airplay when it came out, you'd barely know who Trent Reznor is today. I know he seems all "alternative", but that word no longer applies when you've sold millions of albums. For instance, Pearl Jam: when they released "10", it was "alternative" for about 10 minutes. Now those guys make exclusivity deals with Target. How is that "cool" or "alternative"? Is Nirvana alternative? Curt Cobain died a rich man, which, in the hipster world, isn't very "cool".
And yes, Trent changed his sound over the course of some albums. Does that make him some sort of genius? I say it makes him a producer, someone whose JOB it is (and don't fool yourself into thinking it's not his job to sell albums) to see ahead of the rest of the pack and do something SOME people see as "new". And yes, I HAVE listened to everything Trent has ever done, thank you very much. I never said I wasn't a fan, I'm just saying he sells to a certain crowd. If you don't understand this, then you don't understand how the system works. The word "pop", as applied here, means POPULAR. Trent Reznor is POPULAR with the Goth crowd. Britney Spears is POPULAR with the… what the hell is the name of that crowd, anyway? π
My point is, any artist, be it TOOL, NiN, MM, The Cure, or Britney Spears, is pop-music, for that genre. Besides, if you knew the history of Industrial/Dance music, you'd know that Trent, um, "borrowed" ideas from many a great Industrial band before him. I was listening to "Industrial" music about a whole decade before Trent came along.
Speaking of Trent, maybe I should've just said this earlier: In regards to the video above, hell, I saw these kinds of visuals back when Trent released the video for "Closer", and it was better back then, because at least it was new and didn't rely on tired Goth Cliches. I personally feel that clips like the one above are just copying, and not really adding much to the genre, or doing anything new and interesting. Of course, there's always fresh blood to make money off of.
But that's just me.
And, for the record, I don't mean to "belittle" people. If that's how my comments about Gothsters came off, I'm sorry. But, again, it's my opinion. Do you never, ever, belittle people in some little way? Are you mad at South Park for making fun of Goths? Probably not.
Just had to toss that in. Have a good night!
And, for the record, I don't mean to "belittle" people. If that's how my comments about Gothsters came off, I'm sorry. But, again, it's my opinion. Do you never, ever, belittle people in some little way? Are you mad at South Park for making fun of Goths? Probably not.
Just had to toss that in. Have a good night!
I agree with you Del…i stopped the movie after the girl started to shake like…uhm…let me think….one hundred different japanese horror movies…I'm a huge NIN fan, the point is that sometimes people are too defensive with their Rockstars…
I agree with you Del…i stopped the movie after the girl started to shake like…uhm…let me think….one hundred different japanese horror movies…I'm a huge NIN fan, the point is that sometimes people are too defensive with their Rockstars…
no del im not mad or anything i just figure i state my own thoughts on the topic and most of your last replies wer pretty on point i was just trying to present a different side to the topic and just for the record i could care less about gothers or whatever clicks ppl need to cling to to have a sense a belong i just felt that trent desrvered a lil more credit and paolo right too i agree with him as well
What's really cool is a bunch of people with passion but opposing views gradually coming around to understanding one another. Kinda refreshing and a good way to start the day. Thanks! π
What's really cool is a bunch of people with passion but opposing views gradually coming around to understanding one another. Kinda refreshing and a good way to start the day. Thanks! π
What's really cool is a bunch of people with passion but opposing views gradually coming around to understanding one another. Kinda refreshing and a good way to start the day. Thanks! π
We definitely had fun.
There is more to come–
hopefully I can demonstrate something a bit more evolved than the picture Del painted.
If not, I will hopefully not lose any sleep over it.
p.s. Del, I'm always into meeting new filmmakers so yes, would love to see your work.
its japanese butoh
no doubt.
you are cranky π
with big opinion
We definitely had fun.
There is more to come–
hopefully I can demonstrate something a bit more evolved than the picture Del painted.
If not, I will hopefully not lose any sleep over it.
p.s. Del, I'm always into meeting new filmmakers so yes, would love to see your work.
We definitely had fun.
There is more to come–
hopefully I can demonstrate something a bit more evolved than the picture Del painted.
If not, I will hopefully not lose any sleep over it.
p.s. Del, I'm always into meeting new filmmakers so yes, would love to see your work.
It is a genre piece– its like you are saying its cliche to put s.ex in a prngrphy, a couple in a romance or a minor chord in a song about something sad.
DEL, as an older person who was certainly enmeshed w/ a gothy scene "back in the day", I hear where you're coming from. I agree, a bit, with your gripes about "the kids". It doesn't change the fact, however, that the way in which you're stating your opinions is illustrating a picture of someone who enjoys talking down to others.
An offhand comment about The Cure (that did not claim they were 'goth') is turned into a needless paragraph where you feel this (seemingly) crusade-like need to inform your lessers.
It does little but diminish your initial critique.
For me, I enjoy Bri's work here. I liked piecing together the story she is trying to convey, regardless of any cliche'd devices used to tell it. Who is the man? What does this mean? I can't wait to learn more.
This, to me, is the 'birth' of a ghost, floundering like a newborn child to get her bearings in a new world. Has it been done before? Sure, here and there… but I'm not going to tell anyone it isn't valid.
DEL, as an older person who was certainly enmeshed w/ a gothy scene "back in the day", I hear where you're coming from. I agree, a bit, with your gripes about "the kids". It doesn't change the fact, however, that the way in which you're stating your opinions is illustrating a picture of someone who enjoys talking down to others.
An offhand comment about The Cure (that did not claim they were 'goth') is turned into a needless paragraph where you feel this (seemingly) crusade-like need to inform your lessers.
It does little but diminish your initial critique.
For me, I enjoy Bri's work here. I liked piecing together the story she is trying to convey, regardless of any cliche'd devices used to tell it. Who is the man? What does this mean? I can't wait to learn more.
This, to me, is the 'birth' of a ghost, floundering like a newborn child to get her bearings in a new world. Has it been done before? Sure, here and there… but I'm not going to tell anyone it isn't valid.
You clicked on a film called "Ghosts" with a Nine Inch Nails soundtrack and you expected… what exactly? DEL, I agree with some of your points but it's like you got a free burrito and are now complaining that there are beans in it.
You clicked on a film called "Ghosts" with a Nine Inch Nails soundtrack and you expected… what exactly? DEL, I agree with some of your points but it's like you got a free burrito and are now complaining that there are beans in it.