VJ Franz K’s iPad ReBirth Review & Jam

iPad Music Software: This video is a bit not so fresh, but it’s still fun – VJ Franz K’s combination review/synth jam for ReBirth for iOS (App Store link).

It may not be obvious from this video, but ReBirth has not been updated to take advantage of the iPad’s extra screen resolution, which is iPad App Fail. If Propellerhead updated this for the iPad, it would be a killer iPad app.

via VJFranzK

11 thoughts on “VJ Franz K’s iPad ReBirth Review & Jam

  1. Yes, the multi touch zoom is awful and when you double the pixels it's probably the worst looking thing you've ever seen on iPad. Retronyms it would be really cool if you update this.

  2. What was going on with the need to double touch the controls? It didn't look like it worked correctly with the touch screen?

  3. Well I guess it was a jam, but where was the review part of it? All I heard was techno!!!!….acid!!!!!….FUTURE!!!!!!!. If it wasnt for that retarded voice over and a bit more info it may have been good

  4. He's using the app sideways, which is weird. To increase/decrease a setting you drag up or down in ReBirth. If you drag sideways, nothing happens afaik.

  5. Thank you Synthtopia for posting this.

    RE: Comments – Most of you guys are completely missing the point of my video – focus on the positive! >;-.)> It's truly amazing to have this app working on a mobile platform,
    and actually the zoom interface is no trouble when you get used to it (which takes about 20 minutes.)

    Hopefully they will continue to update it! (I hope to a point beyond the original discontinued desktop synth emulation.)

    If you like this video, I've got a lot more such reviews on YouTube, and am making some new apps of my own for the App store! Subscribe.

  6. I enjoyed your take on it, even if it wasn't a review in the traditional sense. It's clear that you're having fun with it!

    The scaled up interace seems pretty kludgie, though.

  7. ipad got so many problems,but still can't stop people buying.
    I guess just outlooking attract many,and some Personalize setting make you more comfortable.
    Specially,it never similar with any others,so if you are conditioned to use Apple stuff,you are in.

  8. iPad rebirth still as crappy as ever. I noticed they don't show the crappy low Rez mods in the demos, just the nice new synth for the iPad.
    Piss poor. No wonder propellerheads were giving away the PC version for free.
    I was one of the unlucky mugs who bought this POS for £200+ when it first got released..
    Only to open the box to find two discs and a bit of paper..never again

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