Infographics + Electronic Music + Little Red Riding Hood = Awesome Tomas Nilsson‘s music video for Slagsmålsklubben‘s Sponsored by Destiny is 100% awesome. via core77
Nilsson describes the video as a "school assignment to reinterpret the fairytale Little red ridning hood. Inspired by Röyksopps Remind me. Here's that Royksopp video: [youtube lBvaHZIrt0o youtube]
WTF it´s identical to "Remind me" from Royksopp
this one's a few years old. thanks for finding it again. still 100% awesome…
Nilsson describes the video as a "school assignment to reinterpret the fairytale Little red ridning hood. Inspired by Röyksopps Remind me.
Here's that Royksopp video:
[youtube lBvaHZIrt0o youtube]