How to Create an Analogue Sequence From Scratch

This video takes a look at how to create a sequence from scratch, using the Analogue Solutions Oberkorn MK3 step sequencer.

In this video, a melodic bass sequence is created from scratch, using two rows of CV on the Oberkorn: CVA (pitch) and CVB (filter control). At the end of the video, the section created live is incorporated into a demo song.

Tech Details:

  • Synths used in this video: Analogue Solutions Telemark, Analogue Solutions Station(s) X/Y.
  • Station X/Y was recorded into DAW to allow for multiple parts in the demo song. Some delay was used on various synth parts.
  • Drums are a combination of drum samples and Elektron Machinedrum.

7 thoughts on “How to Create an Analogue Sequence From Scratch

  1. Here's a fairly boring bassline, and now here's something almost completely unrelated that sounds awesome while we have clips of us twisting knobs and making it look like it was an easy transition from one to the other.

  2. You sound a bit jaded. Are you another iPad "musician" LOL. I thought this video was quite remarkable myself… Show us how it's done Polite_Society!!

  3. The thing is that this just doesn't really show you anything of use. If you are using an analogue style sequencer you do these things intuitively already.

    There was a very excellent tutorial on synthtopia about a year ago which was fantastic. If I can find it i'll link it, but here is another tutorial which I think is worth while, even if you don't have a ms-2000, it made me think of different ways of creating sequences.

    [youtube gipTFNhniMo youtube]

  4. guys (or girls?) chill! i know little about analog sequencers (i'm learning) and i thought it was interesting how the bass was created and used in the song at the end ++ VERY tight sounding synths coming outta analogue solutions………….first i've heard the stations x or y

    more of this stuff puhleez!!!!!!!! 🙂

  5. It just annoyed me that it was like.. here is the bassline, and oh look here is a finished track we made earlier which bares pretty much no resemblance to what they just made. Much akin to the old cooking shows where they make show you how to make some half arsed pastry, and them pull a 4 course meal out of the oven "here's one we made earlier!"

    Though you are right, I shouldn't complain. I love dials and lights and analogue sounds, and all videos with these things are good videos.

  6. I'm not sure it's supposed to explain that part. Seems the idea was to create a bassline w/ an analogue sequencer and the author wanted to show us how it sounded in a song while demoing the gear too? Cool nonetheless. Worked for me.

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