This video, by Anton Crnkovic, demonstrates using an XBox 360 controller as an OSC music controller.
Here’s what Crnkovic has to say about it:
I have wanted to do something creative with a game controller ever since I first discovered the [human interface] object in Max. And as soon as the new Nodes object was released I thought a great implementation would be to use it with some sort of joystick.
I’m using MaxMSP to receive all the control data from an XBox 360 controller and converting it to OSC messages to be used with any program that accepts OSC, in this case Reaktor. I’ve made each message range scalable as well, for fine tuning control possibilities.
I added 9 nodes for each joystick which gave me 11 control parameters (including XY) for each joystick! It was a little unpredictable to know what kinds of results that would achieve but that was the fun part 🙂
I pretty much randomly assigned all the controls to this ring modulating synth and buffer effect Buffeater. Fun times.
Max for Live version in progress as well which will use Abletons device parameter control API. Will post when I have time to finish it.
pretty kool as a controller. now it would be nice if you made sum muzak with it.
You need to broaden your definition of music….