Free iPad Wireless MIDI App + Synth Porn Of The Week

Roger Pellegrini sends word to us about a free app that turns your iPad into a wireless MIDI continuous keyboard controller for your modular or VSTs.

Inspired by the Haken Continuum, but in two octave form, the Pellegrini Space-Tme Keyboard is an open-source program that runs within the Control environment, which is available free in the iTunes app store.

Here’s Roger’s explanation of how the Space-Time Keyboard works:

The whole thing relies on your having a WiFi network and a computer with a MIDI interface. Setup is painless. Download the Control app to your iPad. If you have a Mac, you don’t need any other software. For PC’s you just have to install the free rtpMIDI driver which is very straightforward. Instructions are on the excellent Control website. Requires minimal computer skills. Really.


The way the keyboard works is through a combination of MIDI note and pitchbend messages. Upon initial touch, a MIDI “note on” message for the center key (from C0 to C7 depending on the octave setting) is sent, along with pitchbend info tuned to the particular key selected. Note that proper functioning relies on the receiving MIDI device (like your MIDI to CV converter) being calibrated to a pitchbend range of +/- 1 octave. When you move your finger without lifting, pitchbend information pertaining to the note “slide” is sent, along with programmable continuous controller messages proportional to the “y-axis” movement. Note that pitch information is precisely “auto-tuned” to the note in the scale being played when the user’s touch moves vertically along a single key. Pitch information is also precisely “tuned” on first touch of a key. Otherwise, the player’s touch freely selects continuous pitches within the two octave range. The touch end event sends a note off command. Octave up/down switches extend the playable range.

Use this link from within “Control” on your iPad to load the interface:

Roger also sends along a bit of eye candy – the synths used in making the above video:

Best Gear Porn Ever?

Click on the image for some modular monster rack suprises.

This gets our vote for synth porn of the week…..

4 thoughts on “Free iPad Wireless MIDI App + Synth Porn Of The Week

  1. I know this sounds like a weird thing to say, but this guy's chord progressions and melodic style remind me of… me!

  2. I’m looking to use my iPad as a keyboard for my laptop using either GarageBand or Logic as I travel. Can’t seem to find this one in the App Store.

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