TouchLive Lets You Control Ableton Live On A Giant Multitouch Display

This is a sneak preview of TouchLive 0.1 – a program underdevelopment that is designed to let you use a multi-touch display as a controller for audio or video software.

TouchLive 0.1 includes a monome emulator, midi drumpads, mixer, transport, sliders and buttons.

Technical details below. 

via GrmcomMultitouch:

In this video I am using TouchLive with Ableton Live 8.
The monome section (top left) is set up to display the ableton clip view. clips can be triggered and stopped by pressing the monome buttons. Clips that are triggered flash in sync with the tempo.

The mixer section (bottom left) includes 8 faders and record arm buttons. The record arm buttons let you select which track the drumpads send the midi notes to.

I wrote the software using python and the Kivy framework.

I use Myr’s Clip Launcher max for live patch to send the clip information from ableton to my python app.

Myr’s clip launcher and other apps and abstractions can be found here:

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