Electro-Harmonix Superego Synth Engine Effects

‘Effectology’ expert Bill Ruppert is back, with the latest in his series of videos that look at using effects pedals as a sort of modular synthesizer.

In his latest video, Ruppert explores the possibilities of granular synthesis, with Electro-Harmonix’s Superego Synth Engine. No keyboards, samplers or midi pickups were used.

For more info and pedal settings, see the EXH forum.

12 thoughts on “Electro-Harmonix Superego Synth Engine Effects

  1. That was very interesting, but Sweetwater and Amazon don’t have the “Superego” yet, so it’s just a teaser. It would have been interesting, too, to mention how does the device compare to the larger EHX Micro Synth?

    I love that it can do these things without a divided pickup. And mixing and recombining pedals is a cool way to keep the past alive. (But I believe if I brought my guitar into the digital age I’d go with something like a Roland Gr-55 and bite the bullet and install a divided pickup, just to get all the advantages of MIDI and complete digital.)

    Does anyone know a price for the new Superego when it comes out? I didn’t see a price at EHX.

    1. I don’t think you can compare the Superego to the Microsynth. I own a Bass Microsynth and its more like an analog mono-synth, where the Superego is about granular synthesis.

      Now, in what direction do I have to throw my money to buy it?

  2. We want to show you, how our effect sounds, so we put an effect on our effect, so you can hear effect while using effect. Some dry samples would be nice too, sometimes.

    1. Well, I actually agree with you. What possibilities are inherent just in the pedal? Mind you, I plan to use a heavy dose of delay and chorus with it anyways, but still… a good pedal to me should be self-sufficient; In that, if I only had this particular pedal and a clean amp, could I still get good interesting tone out of it?

    2. Its because this is not a demo of the Superego pedal, but another episode in the “Effectology” from EHX, its about how you can reproduce various sounds using only a guitar and effect pedals.

      There are other videos that shows only the Superego.

  3. As a granular synthesis software designer, I cannot say with certainty that I feel comfortable describing what’s being done here as “granular synthesis.” Technically, yes, it does seem to work by sustaining short repeated samples and altering their speed, which is perhaps the most basic granular synthesis technique. Using the phrase “granular synthesis” here is a bit misleading, though.

    1. I think that’s why they use the term ‘Synth Engine’ on the product. Kind of like the “core” is implemented. Still, I’m rather excited about this product.

  4. I just cannot get a good sound out of this peda and I doubt I would use it live. It has inherent tracking problems, completely missing chords in a some phrases that I play with exactly the same level of ‘attack’. I’ve tried overcompensating, striking those chords harder. But I’m not a fan of changing my style to fit any pedal. I’ve tried playing with my guitar(s) volume at maximum, but it then produces random blasts of volume which distort (on a clean channel). A noise gate at the end of the chain (ISP Decimator) only clips the effect. It’s true that the volume fluctuations are ‘levelled out’ by using other pedals in the loop (delays etc) but the pedal should be good, just on its own. It’s a shame because I really like the EH range.

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