Nektar Panorama Now Supports Cubase



Nektar, the company known for the Panorama P4 and P6 USB controller keyboards for Propellerhead’s Reason, have announced Panorama integration with Steinberg’s DAW Cubase.

Here’s what they have to say about it:

Panorama is designed with DAW navigation and workflow in mind, making it easy to control Cubase while performing or recording without having to reach for the computer mouse or the QWERTY keyboard. Each control, transport or navigation button is automatically mapped to Cubase with a logical layout that’s completely transparent thanks to Panorama’s high resolution TFT display.

Changing tracks using the Track -/+ buttons the track name and the type of track is called out on the TFT display. The Panorama P4/P6 motorized fader automatically adjusts its position according to the volume of the current track selection.

Panorama mainly controls Cubase through 3 dedicated modes; Mixer Mode, Instrument Mode and Transport Mode. Each of which is engaged at the touch of a button. Mixer mode controls the Mix Console with up to 8 channels controllable at the same time. 8 faders are assigned to volume, 8 encoders assigned to either pan or the sends from 1 to 8 and the 8 LED buttons assigned to control channel mute, solo, record arm or select.

Panorama’s second group of 8 encoders control the selected track’s channel settings including EQ, Inserts (as well as plug-in selection and editing), FX sends and Quick controls.

Instrument Mode addresses the active VST Instrument when an instrument track is selected. Just like Reason Instrument Devices and Rack Extensions, many VST instrument plug-ins are pre-mapped and organized in logical modules and menus that completely reconfigure Panorama assignments as needed. For VST plug-ins that are not pre-mapped by Nektar, users can create their own customized VST maps, store and save for use in future sessions. Parameters are easy to assign using a simple Panorama control learn menu so there is no new software or GUI’s to learn.

Transport mode features a big time display, L and R locator positions and control over important functions during song composition like setting pre/post roll, precount, punch in/out, tempo, record mode and click level. Markers and loop cycle positions can also be stored/recalled during a session.

A fourth Internal mode provides access to Panorama’s many generic controller keyboard functions for control of outboard MIDI equipment or other MIDI software. The Pads menu in addition makes it easy to create setups for various VST pad instruments with its 20 Pad-Map memory locations.

Cubase users will also benefit from Panorama’s unique QWERTY macro function which allows up to 8 QWERTY shortcut commands to be sent to Cubase with the push of one button or pad.

Panorama will support Cubase, Cubase Artist and Cubase Elements version 6, 6.5 and 7. Earlier versions may be supported at the time of launch. The Cubase integration will be available as a downloadable update to existing Panorama users free of charge and is expected in March 2013.

See the Nektar site for details.

8 thoughts on “Nektar Panorama Now Supports Cubase

  1. Looks like an ideal controler for LIVE, I wonder why the did Cubase before Live?
    More to the point, when will some one do an decent 88 note master controller!!!

    1. There have been very few 88-key controllers because 88 is a piano size. Unless you are a split-&-layering mufuh who wants physical keys for each zone, there is no serious need there. I started on piano; now I’m mostly using a 49-key Samson Carbon. I still play a couple of 61-note ‘boards, but as the mixer paradigm has gradually gained ground thanks to computers, sitting and really wailing in real-time has become less of a goal for many. Therefore, a manufacturer has to make the best financial decisions possible. Ramping up to sell 47 units of a specialty is a non-starter unless you are in a John Bowen mode. Different arena, different terms.
      That said, I’d go to great lengths to buy a unit if someone would make a controller keyboard at 49 and 61 keys that felt as good as the Roland V-Synth GT or a Prophet T-8. There’s an empty spot in the field for such an item, one that feels well-oiled rather than clacky, which is a main drawback of too many models.

  2. Very good move.
    First they started with the “smaller”, “cheaper” 49 keys. Only targeting the Reason users, a group starving for a dedicated controller, put their name (Nektar) on top of many forum threads. Then now stating the obvious that a controller can be reprogrammed to fit your DAW now makes it more appealing for Cubase user using Reason in Rewire (for example).
    But what would have been the impact of a “New unknown brand new controller maker Nektar announced 61 keyboard controller for Ableton and Cubase for $600!”. The market is saturated with cheap controllers (or dedicated) for all the top DAW already. Most people would have snubbed such news.
    Wish the best for Nektar and hope to get money one day to buy one.

  3. Whats the keyboard actually like m has any one used it, Hope they get round to Ableton pretty quick, thoughp robably waiting for 9 to be released

  4. If guess if you add one platform staggered you will gather more PR over a longer period of time, maybe even making other platform users jealous enough to buy it when they are finally supported. Or they are dolling out vacation time and can’t get get around to releasing it so that it works with all platforms at once or they are finally realizing that reason alone won’t sell this thing or they or they really, as a business, want to sell less or maybe less is the new more or one mans check to the bank is another’s ball and chain.

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