Developer 4Pockets has released an update to Meteor Multitrack Recorder for iOS, adding multi-channel audio recording and more.
Meteor is a digital multi-track recorder DAW designed specifically for the iPad. The program features up to 24 tracks of Stereo, Mono and MIDI audio, a built-in mixer and multi-effects processor.
Here’s what’s new in Meteor Multitrack Recorder version 1.6:
- Meteor now supports simultaneous multiple channel audio recording.
- Selectable Inputs for both Audio Sources and AudioBus.
- Selectable Outputs for each track.
- The Video plugin now allows you to export a movie with soundtrack to a file or the camera roll.
- Stacked Recordings (Loop Mode in Single Track Mode).
- Improved CPU usage and improved quality of Pitch Shifting
- Improved Quality Time Stretching.
- Added a Basic Auto Tune for monophonic vocal recordings to the wave editor.
- Added an Invert Phase option to the wave editor.
- Copy, Paste and Replicate now preserve cross fades.
- Added the ability to apply cross fades to all cloned clips.
- Added Cross Fade presets for 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 500ms.
- Added Share To dialog to Audio Pool.
- Added Markers for easier project navigation.
- Added MIDI Track Event Inspector.
- Added the ability to Dissolve Type 0 MIDI files and MIDI Parts.
- Added the ability to Dissolve MIDI parts by Channel, Note, CC type or Selection.
- Fixed a bug when sending a Mix Down via Email.
- The Overview button now displays a preview of an entire track in the MIDI Editor and the entire mixer in Mixer Mode.
- Added a New project option to the Project Explorer.
- Added the Song name to the Overview screen.
- Added an Info option to Track Mode for displaying track names and types.
- Added anMixer Control Method option to the ‘Options’ menu. This allows you to select a prefer method of control in the mixer.
- Added a scroll lock to the mixer view.
- Added an option to the iPad’s Settings app which allows you to turn off the automatic loading of the last loaded project.