15 thoughts on “Live Studio Synth Jam

  1. I’m just a little baffled. Why use the phatty as a controller? I mean at LEAST switch it with the mopho cuz phattys are much better for basses.

  2. I liked it.
    Don’t really get why so much hate.

    Two guys in their studio, having fun with their synths. For me, that’s how you do it.

  3. Great tune, and good guys getting into their synths. Great to see and hear hardware and yes this is cetainly how it is done. Well done from the uk!!

  4. glad these guys are having fun, but it leaves me wondering what part of this is a “live jam” and how much is just sequenced/ pre-configured. It *looks like* they had three cameras… why not put one each close up on the Mopho and the Moog?

  5. I LIKED IT, it sounds like a simple jam over some pre-recorded tracks. They have another video on their Youtube that seems 100% LIVE if you’re not forgiving of them for this one. Seems like a lot of haters commented first, just two guys making some music. All and all a good catchy track!

  6. I’d enjoy hearing someone try to channel “A Night At the Opera” rather than the ten-thousandth Depeche Mode cover. There’s no listening challenge when the material is too simplistic. Its like a Rubik’s Cube with only 2 colors. These are tonally the broadest instruments on Earth. They feel terribly underused when only applied to the boop-beep realm. Just owning the gear isn’t enough. You have to find your own Voice so your output is more worthy of a listen. I hear people on here who are still new at it, but they already show good signs of a personal Voice. I knew I’d hit a plateau as a composer when I became honest enough to discard what was clearly too crapulent. If you push yourself out of your comfort zone, you’ll make the kinds of mistakes that’ll help you grow. I know, because I have 5 shadow boxes on the wall containing some classic mistakes I shellaced for reference. Looking at those helps keep me from getting too uppity.

    Simple jamming is legit. That’s part of how you clear your musical throat and get familiar with one another’s playing. Just make sure to step it up a couple of notches part of the time. Its SynthWorld, so there will almost always be some sequencing you play over. Think in terms of a song a bit more in your structure, learn how to dig in with three fingers instead of just one and your next layer of muscle will begin to surface. That sounds simplistic, but when you finally get it, it turns on one helluva big light bulb.

    1. I get a little weary of Dm covers, too, but it certainly speaks to how much they influenced music that so many people cover. Hell, a death metal band I like covered Black Celebration (and actually, it’s pretty good considering the genre crossover).

      So…Who’s down for a Gary Numan cover?

  7. haters didnt understand ,,Music” is art and there is no reason to diss people having fun with their instruments.i am sure haters cold technical analysts cant really feel Music as that what it should be.-poor people….

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