Zaquencer Step Sequencer Firmware For BCR2000 Now Available

Behringer-BCR2000ZAQ Audio has announced that the Zaquencer – custom firmware for the Behringer BCR2000 that turns it into a multi-channel step sequencer – is now available.

The Zaquencer is not a preset, but a new operating system for your BCR2000, effectively turning it into a whole different device. In a nutshell, it’s a brain transplant that transforms the BCR2000 from a MIDI controller into a step sequencer.

“We wanted to give everybody access to an inexpensive but powerful hardware MIDI step sequencer,” says ZAQ Audio’s Christian Stöcklmeier. “The Behringer BCR2000 is the optimal hardware platform for a step sequencer. It is very affordable, widely available and has the perfect controls and layout.”

Here’s an example of the Zaquencer inaction, with German house producer Jacob Korn:

“I already use mostly hardware synths and sequencers, but the Zaquencer still brings something to the table,” says Korn. “It´s as fun and intuitive as an oldschool analog sequencer, but it goes much deeper with possibilities if you want it to.”

Key Features:

  • no Computer needed for operation (except for the initial firmware upload)
  • 32 steps
  • 4 independent tracks (configurable as Drum- or Notetracks (poly- or monophonic))
  • store up to 192 patterns and all global parameters in Flash,
  • external/internal clock
  • pattern chain
  • tap write mode
  • note repeat
  • global scale
  • transpose
  • wave generator etc. etc.

The Zaquencer firmware is available now for EUR 69,00. There is a free time- and feature limited demo. An overlay comes with the download to print out yourself and a pre-printed overlay is available for purchase at the ZAQ Audio site.

27 thoughts on “Zaquencer Step Sequencer Firmware For BCR2000 Now Available

  1. Awesome to hear this is moving forward – I’d like to see how well it holds up synced to external MIDI in particular. I’d love to get some numbers on the clock stability for that, too… 🙂

      1. Or emu esi 32 actually even better, bought mine for fifty bucks. Although you will have to sample everything in unlike the akai which has sd.

        1. I’d actually prefer to sample everything in. I passed on the MPX8 because of the crazy-long load times people reported.

          It also only holds 8 sounds, and the 16 version is more expensive.

  2. just want to update you guys that the We bought a lot of bcr2k at 198Rmb last year in China Taobao. because they sold too many and now the price was increased to 268… And the firmware is great but I just try to persuade myself to spend 700 Eur over the firmware update. /_\

  3. Bought it for my >10 year old bcr2000. It’s amazing! Great interface with lots of smart tricks. Eg you can run the sequencer and program notes from an external keyboard while it’s playing. Midi implementation is superb. Optimal usage of both the midi out ports. I really love it. Worth every penny. I would only like a finer control over the shuffle amount. But for the rest..Great work!

  4. I just bought this, after not doing so because I thought it was too expensive… I shouldn’t have waited – it’s worth every penny – this guy’s thought of everything and you can get at ANYTHING so easily!

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