24 thoughts on “New BBC Kraftwerk Pop Art Documentary

    1. I’m no language expert, but think you’re getting mixed up with Polish or something, a lot of German folk pronounce v as w i.e. wideo or walley for video and valley.

      And sometimes the v is pronounced like a kind of f sound, but w is always w!

      It should be KraftWerk, not KraftVerk 🙂

        1. as the othe r Heinz @ 1:08 below pointed out, W is pronouced as W and not as V in German language.The English / American dictionaries ALL have it wrong!
          And those stupid German teachers in the US don’t believe native speakers…. and still teach it wrong.

        2. @Cola Verde:
          Being German myself, I have to say that your suggested pronunciation is unfortunately not correct. W is simply pronounced “W” in German. In fact, I don’t remember a word where W would be pronounced “V” at the moment. Also, since Hannes Rossacher from Austria is involved in this documentary, there is a good chance that they´ve got it right 🙂

  1. I’m an all time fan of Kraftwerk but after a few minutes of watching I suspect this video is targeted to the arty hipster student…….Ok kraftwerk is a special group but remember the come from the “kraut-rock” and they now wear pyjamas on stage……

  2. Saw this on TV a while ago. It had some interesting bits, but way too much focus on Coldplay (just thinking about them makes me nauseous…)

  3. It was shite. They had one point to make, and made it over, and over, and over, and over again. 30 mins in I was bored. First 20 mins were fairly interesting. Until the repetition began. Maybe they were being ironic?

    1. LOL I agree, got boring after first half, the programme before was good too, shape of sound or something, had Kraftwerk in it too. BBC have a good Krautrock doc too

  4. I’ve seen this documentary in Australian TV last summer.
    No ofence but why is this news?

    If you love synths and music in general you should keep an eye on BBC. My 2 cents.

  5. What a waste. Being subjected to Paul Morley jabbered on about conceptual art was cringeworthy at best. In fact most of the interviewees had nothing whatsoever to do with the band. The closest they seemed to be able to get was a photographer and some old geyser that did the layout for a 1891 article in a music fashion magazine. Nothing interesting at all, but padded live performance video and clips from YouTube. Disappointing at best.

    1. Have to agree about Paul Morley , he is an irritating prat. He is wheeled out time and time again by
      programes that are not cool , if he is the mouth piece.
      Comical that Detroit didn’t really get the chance to speak apart from Derek May.

  6. Karl Bartos in Kraftwerk is kinda like Steve Hackett in Genesis in that he doesn’t get much credit but was a major part of their sound and the band was never as good without him.

  7. ” Numbers ”

    I vividly remember, as if yesterday, the first time I heard Numbers
    in the very early 80’s….

    All I can say is…” I GOT IT !!!! ” Sounded like nothing else out there.

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