Sneak Preview – The Artisan Electronic Instruments Baroque Synthesizer


Artisan Electronic Instruments has released a series of preview videos for their Baroque Synthesizer, a digitally-controlled monophonic analogs synthesizer. 

Here are official demo videos for the Artisan Electronic Instruments Baroque Synthesizer, via Michael Bachman:

The series of videos goes into the architecture of the Baroque Synthesizer, modulation and parameters, patching and more.

Here are the official audio demos:

The Baroque Synthesizer is currently under development. Official specifications, availability information and pricing are to be announced. See the Artisan Electronics site for more info.

via Artisan Electronic Instruments, matrixsynth

52 thoughts on “Sneak Preview – The Artisan Electronic Instruments Baroque Synthesizer

    1. Can anyone explain to me the difference between pitched noise and noise going through a filter? Is there a difference?

        1. There are some Waldorf’s with that capability….a great example is War by Wumpscut. If I remember correctly that was a Pulse.

          1. The Pulse has pink noise with only one variable, volume. Likewise in the Micro Q, but in this, noise can also be an FM source for an oscillator resulting in more colorful modulated noise. That may be the sound referenced.

      1. non of the examples are pitched noise, they just give the noise peaks in the spectrum with filters
        thats not pitched noise.
        real pitched noise is done in a sampler, you pitch the noise recording around by playing it slower or faster …

    2. Pitched noise can be done on a lot of synths. Use noise as your oscillator, on your filter use maximum key-follow, and then turn up the resonance!

      1. I’m not talking about high filter resonance over white noise. Everything can do that. That’s not really “pitched noise” – that’s 100% Key Tracked Resonance. I know people sometimes call that pitched noise.

        I’m talking about that weird effect when a noise circuit’s energy band is swept upwards, like in old arcade synth chips.

        Go to 12:21 in the video. That’s not a filter sweep.

        1. It seems the VCNoiz module does pitched noise. There is a video demo showing it, very much like in the video above.

          However, I noticed that when you pitch it down it doesn’t become lower-pitch, it just becomes an intermittent crackle. Presumably this is due to the VCNoiz’s “noise oscillator” being digital. I wonder if there is any module or synth out there that allows pitching of an analogue noise oscillator…?

          1. Pitched noise (actually this is a bad term as it doesn’t have a perceivable pitch) as it’s heard here (i.e. not a resonant filter) is done by either clocking a digital noise source at a variable rate, or running an analog noise source through a sample and hold with a variable clock. In either case, the effect is the same, turning into the same “intermittent crackle” at low rates.

    3. Thanks. We look to make unique instruments.

      Following the thread on the noise source we use on the baroque. It is a bit unique I think in modern synthesizers.. First, it has pitch/color control.. both of these are misleading in some terms.. Noise Color has a specific technical/audio meaning, White, Pink, Red and Blue.. Some synth modules offer this type of noise. What we have is more like the retro noise generators with variable sample rate noise sources. . This gives a white noise at the highest rate and a deep rumble at the lowest .

      The Baroque can modulate this rate for some pretty neat effects. Remember the explosion sounds in your Nintendo?

      The Baroque also has a dedicated variable amplifier that can also be modulated.. basically, its own VCA. I use this in one sample to make the percussive sound that an organ makes on each key-on. It can also be used for nice effect on a sax or flute patch.

      1. I don’t think Phil dislikes synths, MONO or POLY…I think his point was
        he’s tired of all the MONO synths….he IS entitled to his opinion as well as you are.
        I LOVE synthesizers…but hate mono synths…does that diminish me as a musician ?

    1. Yes, it’s pretty,

      but architecturally, this is the nth iteration of the ever same monosynth.

      Given all the innovation potential of digital control, there could be so much more to analog synthesis that makes a product stand out in the market place but what I seem to see here is the ever same recreation of a synth architecture that essentially hasn’t changed since the 70s.

    2. I’m with Phil. First came chords, then came “Louie Louie”, then came various Harmonic Concepts as put forward by Ravel, Ligeti, Messiaen, Zappa. Then went my mono-synths out the window.

  1. Hmmm? Intriguing.

    I sure hope that they make a cost effective mini key version with crappy build quality (with plastic end pieces).

  2. I think it’s Minging looking. Like someone with loads of money but no taste might have done to there kitchen cabinets.

    1. Translation: “I’m used to walnut on synths, not oak.”

      I like the looks of this overall, esp the front panel design. It’s a bit ‘Sequential-looking’.

      1. You like Walnut.. so do we. Would be glad to build one in ant wood you like (except Pine or Balsa)
        The oak is to keep the price more than completive while still offering a study case.. but we would love to build one in Walnut or Cherry or Cocobolo…

  3. If you build a hardware synt, do it cheaper, better and more comfortable äs a eurorack synth… I didn’t hear one interesting sound…. and the “Design” is very poor… Who need that???

  4. It’s like the strippers I dated in my Vegas days; nice to look at, but for the most part useless. I haven’t found a synth this boring sounding since that fucking Timbre Wolf pos. The digital noise sounded more interesting than anything those oscillators produced.

  5. It sounds nice. Not *very* unique, but it stands on its own. The first word that came into my head seeing it was “steampunk.” It should be a requirement though, that if they have the temerity to apply “Baroque” to an electronic instrument, then at whatever trade show they officially introduce this, they all need to dress like Mozart in mirrorshades, from buckled shoes to knee britches to brocade coats with frilly shirtsleeves and huge powdered wigs.

    1. I love the idea!

      The name “Baroque” was also to infer “classic”, which this synthesizer purposefully is. sort of. It is a classic analog 2 oscillator design with the Saw, Triangle and Pulse waveforms, a 4 pole low pass filter and final VCA.. But we add digital control to everything and modulation routings not found in most or any mono-synth and the throw in a few “modern” features, like a distortion unit and delay.

      There will be other instruments with digital wavetable oscillators and different filter designs and aesthetics.. desktop units and modules.. the Baroque may not even be the first instrument out… We’ll see.

  6. The demos are either really poor…or this thing is just really bland sounding.

    The video is sort of awful, waaaay too much babbling about really common things like PWM and LFO waves. Stuff that a list will tell you more succinctly.

  7. I wish these synth demos would start by showing some of their most unique and wild patches, sounds, or features. Walking us through every damn waveform and setting is just too boring. Write that shit in list where I can read it and examine it in detail if I want, and make the demo videos so rad that they catch the attention of my ears, instantly. Not trying to bag on the synth, but demos like this are completely unimpressive.

    1. Agreed. Most people looking at synth sites like this or viewing demos of high-end and/or professional synthesizers understand the basics of synthesis. What we really want is to hear the sounds. The techno-babel can come later.

      I love reviews and demos like those posted on YouTube by AnalogAudio1. They always begin with a bit of the instrument being used in context then flow directly into a demo of the sounds.

      1. These early demos were to inform the followers of the prototype on the facebook site. Thus they are more technical and “blabby Sorry for that. The sound quality was not the top import at that time, just what he camera did.

        We are working on better demos.. We should have had these up before.. First impressions can be everything.

  8. I’m still reeling over the MFB Dominion demo a while back, so unfortunately I found this synths’
    demo(s) totally boring. It will probably cost an arm & a leg too!

  9. I like the concept of a Baroque-inspired synthesizer designed to look like a classical instrument but I’m not sure the result shown here works for me. The dark oak looks more like 80’s kitchen cabinets or the inside of an expensive-yet-tacky RV. Why not shape and contour the sides with purfling and other elements found in fine instruments. A 3/4″ slab of Oak just doesn’t do it for me.

    If it were me, I’d take elements from Baroque woodworking and make something that was styled like a piece of fine furniture with a more timeless design. Maybe even add some contoured legs etc. to really go the distance.

    I reserve judgement on the sound until I see and hear a demo of the completed project.

  10. We will offer custom options for colors, wood choice and other details.

    Although this one is Oak, it is not just oak cheeks slapped on a metal box.. the whole case is wood.

    Better demos are coming… then I’ll take these techy ones down and replaces them with shorter versions!

  11. I poked around the synth’s site and it’s actually got some pretty good features, especially if the price is affordable. PW/waveshaping on the Oscillators and 4 LFOs and 3 Envelopes that cant be sent to any control voltage. Should provide plenty of sounds, and I think the idea for expandable polyphony is great.

    If you read this, bring out that Wavetable synth! I’m personally way more interested in the complex waveforms a digital Oscillator can produce than I am an Analog one. Just make sure it doesn’t alias (96khz or higher sample rate, or something like NCO’s that the Modal 002 uses) and then run that through analog filters and analog VCAs, with analog overdrive. That’s where analog matters the most IMO.

    I think it would sell well, I’d certainly buy one.

    1. R7.. thanks for the look at the site.. we have big things planned.. this “classic” synth with a twist is a first offering..

      An advanced wavetable and some interesting analog/digital hybrid oscillators are definitely in the design path. No 8 bit microprocessor chips here ..these will be 32 bit 120Mhz driven digital oscillators.. aliasing will not be a problem.. and never a digital filter!

    2. R7– thanks for your comments.. This “classic” synth with a twist is a first offering. several options, add-ons and versions are in the pipeline, including wavetable and digital/analog hybrid oscillators.

      These will not be your typical 8bit microprocessors, but 32 bit guys running over 50 million instructions per second.. 96K will not be a problem 🙂

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