Donald Tillman has published a web-based version of the rare Triadex Muse algorithmic music composer.
The original Muse was invented by Marvin Minsky and Edward Fredkin at MIT around 1969. The device has a limited array of sliders and switches, but they control algorithms that can generate very long patterns of notes. The sequencer controls a very basic electronic voice.
TheĀ virtual version of the Triadex Music is implemented in HTML5 and Javascript.
Future Retro has a modern sequencer, the Zillion, that’s inspired by the algorithmic sequencing of the Muse.
Image: geni
Old school!
I had a bit of fun with it, would be cool if you could route the notes thru midi to your synth or daw
I own one :p TTTBBBPPPHHHTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!