Mutable Instruments Marbles Now Available In VCV Rack

Mutable Instruments‘ latest module, Marbles, is now available as software module in the open source software modular synthesizer, VCV Rack.

When Mutable Instruments releases a new Eurorack module, it does not release the source code until it has met initial demand for the module in hardware form. In collaboration with VCV, though, they are making their new modules available as part of VCV Rack for a small fee.

While MI’s source code is open source, their branding is protected. So Marbles is available within VCV Rack as Audible Instruments Random Sampler.

For details, see the VCV site.

11 thoughts on “Mutable Instruments Marbles Now Available In VCV Rack

  1. Does anyone use VCV rack a lot? How is it? Whats the experience compared to hardware? Just curious of its capabilities and if its intuitive to use.

    1. Sounds great, easy to use, version 0.6x so you should expect a beta experience, not as fun to use as a $5,000 modular setup.

      1. I recently sold the majority of my 12u eurorack setup and have been using VCV a lot since. I had most of the Mutable modules, and to me the VCV versions are just as good. On top of that you get a really ridiculous amount of modules for free ad a good variety of them, the modules you can purchase are very reasonably priced, you can build complex and even polyphonic patches while using multiple modules that I’ve always loved in hardware without spending thousands of dollars, patches can be saved and instantly recalled, etc. Not to naysay the beauty of having physical control of a hardware setup, but I’m a big fan and, personally, has streamlined my workflow.

      1. this is not true. the Preview costs $20. still cheaper than the original, but you don’t get any hardware.

        also the $5000 comparison above is BS. if you buy all the plugins in VCV Rack you end up with a price comparable to Ableton Studio at this point, something like $600 (not even counting everything problably)

        stop kidding yourself with that “free” BS. it’s like those supermarkets that advertise with “free” parking and “free” samples …

        1. South Pole

          That’s a BS comparison.

          VCV is 100% free and it’s very powerful.

          You can also buy commercial modules, and they’re reasonably priced.

          If you’re comparing a maxed out, buy all the commercial modules, install of VCV, the hardware equivalent would be more like 15,000+.

  2. Tried it last night. Learning a lot as I go. I’m definitely going to jump into modular so this is a nice learning tool.

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