Nave Polymorph Analog Synthesizer (Sneak Preview)

Siberian synth startup Nave Electronics shared this sneak preview of their Polymorph analog synthesizer.

The new synth has nothing to do with Quasimidi’s PolyMorph synth. The Nave Polymorph is a analog synthesizer, based on the circuit design of the famous Polyvox synthesizer. The company says that it has the same sound character as the Polyvox, but it also has a lot of interesting extra features.

Details are expected to be announced in February 2019.

Update: Nave has pulled their intro video off of YouTube, but it’s currently still available via other channels:

21 thoughts on “Nave Polymorph Analog Synthesizer (Sneak Preview)

  1. “The new synth has nothing to do with Quasimidi’s PolyMorph synth.”

    Nor does it have anything to do with Waldorf Nave. Or polyphony or morphable oscillators.

    What’s in a name?

    1. The Polivoks was made by the Formanta Radio Factory in Kachkanar. Nave Electronics are in Novosibirsk a few 1000km further north. so no.

      1. So when they say “based on the circuit design of the famous Polyvox synthesizer,” they are referring to a different synth than the Polivoks? Could one be a translation of the other, perhaps?

          1. I just wasn’t sure if that was the synth they were talking about because the spelling was different. Thank you for the clarification.

  2. “nave”? a court dispute is looming. the nave was a collaboration between tempo rubato’s rolf wöhrmann (developer of the nlog synth), waldorf’s stefan stenzel and synth design luminary axel hartmann.

    1. Calling your company ‘Nave’ and your first synth ‘polymorph’ may be a dumb move – but trying to defend a name like ‘nave’ would be up there with Moog trying to sue Behringer over copying the look of the Minimoog.

      The marketing people or the CEO might want to sue, but their lawyers would tell them not to be idiots.

      1. I disagree. You must protect your trademarks if you expect to keep them. How are people expected to know of a company or its products, and the reputations they’ve earned, without being certain of what they are called?

        1. If you know anything about trademark law, you know they have to be current to be enforced.

          Quasimidi went belly up 15+ years ago. Waldorf likely never TM’ed Nave. In fact, a cursory search of the trademark database (yup, we’re sitting here arguing when the actual proof is free to see on the interwebz) shows that a company called Nave owns the trademark for Nave for:

          “Computer software and hardware for use in encoding, reading, and analyzing broadcast, television, video and audio signals, audio and video coding and decoding of same, namely,computer software program and computer hardware and firmware, namely, electronic and integrated circuits; audio and video encoders; and electronic audio and video readers.”

          1. But the trademarks have to be current. In publishing, you will often see Marvel and DC publish titles of Z-list characters simply to challenge a trademark. You can’t just challenge a trademark you haven’t used since 1995.

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