Laurie Spiegel’s ‘Lost’ Album, Unseen Worlds, Now Available

Composer & computer music pioneer Laurie Spiegel has announced an official release of her ‘lost’ second album, Unseen Worlds.

“It’s the first proper release ever,” notes Spiegel. “The record company that first put it out having gone out of business at the time of the initial release.”

Having realized the pieces found on her first album, The Expanding Universe (1980), on an instrument no longer available to her, the GROOVE System at Bell Laboratories, Spiegel moved on to composing and developing for the Alles Machine, alphaSyntauri, McLeyvier and various other instruments before creating an instrument entirely her own.

Spiegel created Music Mouse – An Intelligent Instrument on a Macintosh 512k so that she could have an instrument that was not general purpose but a small, specialized, and well defined musical instrument for and by her that she did not have to compromise on or risk losing access to it. While it was a very personal instrument for Spiegel, demand among friends and colleagues nevertheless grew until Music Mouse became a commercial product for the Macintosh, Amiga, and Atari personal computers. At the time of Unseen Worlds  original release in 1991, the record label turned out to be going out of business, dissolved and disappeared, sending the album immediately into obscurity. Outside of a private CD edition, issued by Spiegel on her own Aesthetic Engineering label in 1994, this new edition represents the first proper commercial release of the album.

You can preview Unseen Worlds below or at Bandcamp.

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