New Behringer LmDrum Drum Machine Not A Knockoff, It Just Looks Like One

Behringer today shared a teaser for its upcoming LmDrum Hybrid 8/12-bit Sampling Drum Machine.

The original LinnDrum

And, while the LmDrum case design and name make it look like a knockoff of the classic Linn Electronics LinnDrum, Behringer’s latest drum machine is an original design that supports sampling and on-board sample editing.

The company shared few details about the LmDrum in their announcement:

“We love to share with you the progress of our first sampling drum machine. We’re super excited that the unit has passed all audio tests today and much of the user interface development is now also completed. Man, this thing grooves;-)

However, this is still a prototype and a long way from production.

Rest assured that our drum machine development team is working overtime to complete this exciting instrument as quickly as possible in order to get it into your drumming hands.”

While details are still to be announced, it looks like Behringer’s original plans for a LinnDrum knockoff – announced in 2017 – have evolved substantially. This makes sense, because the heart of the LinnDrum is its samples, which can’t be reused without permission. And making a sample-based drum machine with only 15 samples, like the LinnDrum, made sense 40 years ago, but would be unnecessarily limiting today.

It seems likely that the LmDrum will ship with some LinnDrum ‘sound-alike’ samples and reproduce them through cloned circuits, for people who just want a ‘cheap LinnDrum’.

But it looks like the LmDrum will be much more interesting than that – letting you create custom drum kits from a library of samples and sample your own sounds via the audio input on the back:

It’s unfortunate that the Behringer LmDrum is being positioned by the company as a LinnDrum knockoff, with a knockoff name and knockoff styling, instead of as an original design. Because the LmDrum is not a LinnDrum, it’s not going to have the LinnDrum sounds and making it look like a LinnDrum just highlights the fact that Behringer doesn’t think they can sell this drum machine on its own merits.

This is going to be the most interesting and capable drum machine that Behringer has ever created. Behringer would get a lot less push-back from musicians if the company positioned this as an affordable, modern drum machine, instead of as a knockoff of a 40-year old classic.

What do you think of the Behringer LmDrum? Share your thoughts in the comments!

99 thoughts on “New Behringer LmDrum Drum Machine Not A Knockoff, It Just Looks Like One

  1. Admin: Yap – you appear to be using multiple names to comment with (Seth Priske, Plasma1, Yap, etc) from a single IP address.

    This leads to your comments being held for moderation, because using multiple names is a common tactic of spammers.

    Using a consistent name will minimize the likelihood that your comments will be held for moderation.

  2. Behringer are so stuuupid! Now they had a chance to be somewhat original and yet they spoil it all! Maybe they fix the design and get some proper pads to 2025 when this might get released.

    1. So you’re saying their track record for releasing things they said they would is bad? Regardless of what you may think of them ethically they have produced more analogue synth products in the last 5 or 6 years than several other large well known manufacturers have done in the last twenty years put together

      1. ‘Produced’ is a big word if you can lift your schematics straight from existing products. No wonder that that, combined with cheap labor forces in sweatshop conditions makes for more products. Who knew!

        1. There’s no schematics for the CS80 and they’re producing that. The CS80 is one of the most complex analogue synths ever made to recreating it, minus schematics, is a colossal task.

          1. Yes the schematics for the CS80 are no longer. Not even Yamaha remembers the CS80, let alone has any kind of schematics in its archives. Kind of like the Dead Sea Scrolls and those tablets that Moses, I think, had. Long gone forever. Are you kidding me? I have the schematics for the CS80 on my computer and they are obtainable on the web also. Why do you people spout nonsense if you clearly aren’t certain?

  3. I don’t get it. If you’re designing a new drum machine, why make it look like a vintage Roger Linn design? The only reason I can think of is that they were working on a Linn clone but couldn’t get it to sound like the original.

    1. Yeah – it seems pretty obvious that this started out as a LinnDrum knockoff, but changed along the way, because a straight LinnDrum copy doesn’t make a lot of sense in 2021.

      If they’re smart, they’ll do what they did the the RD-9 and give this an original name and look.

    2. I don’t get it either. One of the reasons nobody takes this company seriously is that they have a zoo of vintage-looking products with no consistent recognizable look.

      1. Nobody takes them seriously? Speak for yourself. You’re definitely in a minority. As we know from review most people are happy with their Behringer gear, they don’t care it’s knockoff and it didn’t cost them an arm and a leg. I have several Behringer synths now and I can tell you I take them very seriously.

    3. I don’t get it either. Maybe it’s (counter-intuitively) “on brand” for them and their customers for their devices to look like another, long respected brand?

    4. The reason they make their gear look like other gear is because it reduces their marketing to “here’s a thing you know, but a Chinese knockoff of it”.

  4. This actually looks pretty great.

    I have to ask, though. “LmDrum”? Are they *trying* to make it sound like a knockoff of the LinnDrum?

    I mean, it’s obvious that they are with the design and all. But why?

    1. “LmDrum” is a pretty terrible name.

      It looks like they picked the name so that the letters would look like ‘LinnDrum’ in the logo, and then nobody actually tried saying it out loud!

  5. Fawkeeng “A” …this really put a smile on my face…I really don’t care if it is a “knockoff” or not as long as I can afford it. I have several instruments from all the brands ( from Akai to Yamaha, Including behringer) and I think that as the quality of all of them varies, as long as you take good care of them and treat them with love they last as much as they last…hope the price is right for my budged on this one! =D

  6. If they were going to copy any form style, it should have been the Linn 9000 or Forat 9000. I can see that they sort of did some of that.

  7. Lol, that GUI on the screen is identical to the digitakt. How hard is it for Behringer to just arrange their pixels slightly different? But no, of course not, that would require 2 minutes of effort that’s only worth it to someone who gives a fuck about what they make rather than just the money.

    1. You saw one screenshot of a waveform on the display and decided that “Oh they’re ripping off the digitakt.” This is why it’s so hard to take this site seriously anymore.

      1. doesn’t he/she have a fair point though? see those parameters on bottom and top of the waveform? 4 of them? like on the digitakt? top row: tune, play, br, samp… ever looked on the digitakt on the second source page (it’s tune, play, br and samp there 🙂 )? okay – i give you this: the lower 4 parameters only partly match (digitakt: Lev Start Len Loop Lev, while this one has “start len loop”(whoops 😀 same order again) and then filt)… then again this one seemingly doesn’t provide the corresponding knobs which really complete this concept of having the parameters arranged as they are…

        moving on: top left the pattern inverted background (same on the digitakt), text in the middle – the font look very similar… (also non inverted as on the digitakt)… top right the tempo also inverted background? even the metronome symbol looks pixel for pixel the same…

        I mean: it’s a prototype and all… but come on – the similarities are really not to miss if you know the digitakt! (screen background color anyone? I mean: there is a limited amount of variation of displays on the market and elektron uses them very prominently on their machines… but then again: the Deepmind uses a completely different one and so could this LmDrum).

        Maybe just maybe we all just don’t properly understand Behringer and what they really, deep down in their hearts want to do is just praise the giants shoulders they eaglery with each and every product they release try to stand on…

      2. Blerp is right. They copied the digitakt sample display screen. Same layout, fonts and icons from the look of it. (tried to include a link, but the comment disappeared)

      3. no, they literally stole the gui from the digitakt. tune, play BR, samp, those are all the same options, in the same order. the only one they changed is FILT, and they just stole that from a different page. they even stole the metronome graphic for the tempo.

        i’m gonna take an educated guess they photoshopped that in there because they have no functional gui yet.

        but still couldn’t be arsed to slap a few faders on the sliders.

        1. Unlikely, copying someone else’s UI pixel for pixel is exactly B’s method of operation. I would not be surprised if it goes down to menus / settings. They absolutely have no scruples or ethics at that company.

  8. Should have kept it original. Looks big and bulky for no reason and hard to understand why they copied the look of an ugly machine only to make something different. Gran tit, we dont buy machine because of how they look, its usually the layout, usability and functionality. BUT, the whole side with the mixer looks pointless.

  9. I think that this Synthtopia’s Behringer-bashing and condescending attitude towards the brand just makes me want to read less and less Synthtopia and buy more and more Behringer “knockoffs”.

    1. Don’t you find it interesting that *none* of the other electronic music blogs dare to say anything spicy about Behringer? Ever? CDM doesn’t mention them at all anymore, and Peter Kirn’s crime was simply pointing out that perhaps they should focus on original designs and stop suing people like Dave Smith.

      Either Behringer products are truly amazing, or the maybe the independent bloggers who write about music tech are scared of what might happen if they say something negative about the company.

      1. “Either Behringer products are truly amazing, or the maybe the independent bloggers who write about music tech are scared of what might happen if they say something negative about the company.”

        Bing bing bing – we have a winner!

        They harassed Peter Kirn so much that it would be surprising if he ever wrote about them again. And Behringer’s lawsuits scared off most music tech sites – so sites just don’t cover the company, or they write fluff pieces.

        1. Or maybe they are cowards and lawyers can’t really sue you for writing review articles in countries that have freedom of press ?

          1. Freedom of press doesn’t mean you can’t be held up by litigation for months. You think people like Peter Kirn don’t live in a country that has ‘freedom of press’? Did it help him in any way? Any clue what that guy went through just because Behringer as a company couldn’t handle an article he wrote? You want to call those people cowards? Yikes.

    2. It’s not much better anywhere else. The same folks frequent every outlet with the same bile. At least on message boards you can set them to ignore and read/comment without all the aggression.

      The Behringer reaction is baked into everything now.

      Tbh, until Behringer came along the barrier to eurorack entry was to high for my project. System 55 changed all that – after I changed al the pots out for Taiwan Alpha’s. LOL.

    3. “I think that this Synthtopia’s Behringer-bashing and condescending attitude towards the brand just makes me want to read less and less Synthtopia and buy more and more Behringer ‘knockoffs’.”

      lol – and yet you took the time to leave a comment.

      It’s not ‘Behringer-Bashing’ to call their knockoffs ‘knockoffs’. That’s just what they are.

      Other sites are afraid to even say that, though, because of Behringer’s history of suing and harassing bloggers.

      The irony is that, if you read any Behringer Facebook post, the comments are just a long list of requests for Behringer to make cheap knockoffs of other company’s gear. And Behringer has even said that making knockoffs is one of their main business strategies.

      So you want knockoffs, you just don’t want anybody to call them ‘knockoffs’. Get over it!

      1. So when you walk into the TV section of a big store and you see the Big expensive flatscreens, Sony, Panasonic etc… then you look at the cheaper ones (because you can’t afford anything else) they are all in the knockoff section right? Your attitude reeks of hypocrisy.

        1. Yes, because we all know an 808 is as similar as a Tanzmaus and Digitakt. Just like TVs are similar. All the same. G r e a t analogy. You know cheap synthesizers exist that aren’t Behringer knock-offs, right?

    4. I don’t like olives, so I just don’t eat em. I don’t walk into an olive store to tell everyone that I can’t stand olives. That would be grandstanding. We all know why we’re here in the comments and Behringer knows exactly what they’re doing. As ugly as it is, it’ll sell like hot cakes.

  10. “just highlights the fact that Behringer doesn’t think they can sell this drum machine on its own merits.”

    Seriously, why even bother covering Behringers products when it seems like all you wanna do is give them backhanded insults? There’s plenty to criticize about Behringers products but at this point your coverage is getting nit picky and incredibly biased.

    1. Thanks for the feedback.

      Our summary is clear, balanced and accurate. We describe the LmDrum as ‘interesting’, ‘capable’, ‘affordable’ & ‘modern’ – which is all very positive. We also point out the obvious – that the LmDrum naming and styling copy the LinnDrum, and that there are a lot of musicians that will take issue with this.

      If you think it’s ‘incredibly biased’ to point out that many musicians will take issue with this drum machine being positioned as a knockoff of the LinnDrum, that viewpoint just does not jive with the mix of comments that people leave on this site and all around the Internet.

      1. Honestly, I think it’s just the title that is a bit leading. Semantics is subjective.

        Anyway, this is a fairly good job to me. I have a linndrum. It’s too klunky to use anymore. A refresh is appreciated.

        I had hoped for a media interface to make having to have a laptop around would be provided. But… no SD, USB instead.

        Behringer is hitting on all cylinders this week.

        So what if it’s a knockoff. Knockoffs are a paycheck for deserving people too.

      2. I agree with the synthtopia viewpoint, and I would feel slightly embarrassed about buying it. Visually I quite like the retro colours and wooden cheeks but “LmDrum” feels to me like “adadis” trainers.

        But it’s not all about me. The Behringer Facebook followers seem to love the knock-off chic. Comments include
        “i absolutely love the fact you kept with the original colors and overall feel of the original”, and
        “Drum sampler in Linn Drum style chassis is pretty dope actually”, and
        “Beautiful!”, and
        “it looks fantastic”, and
        “perfect update to the vintage look … possibly your best looking clone so far”

        So evidently there is a market out there. Each to their own and, I guess, well done to Behringer for reaching a market that I hadn’t thought of.

  11. I like that Synthtopia has been adding their own commentary and perspective to articles about Behringer products. It gives the reader more information than just what’s in the manufacturer’s press release or social media post. I didn’t realize how different their LmDrum will be from the original LinnDrum. I agree that Behringer should be prouder of their accomplishments and just give it a unique name, with a subtle visual reference to the Linn

  12. Seems like good hardware with dumb packaging. I only wish Behringer weren’t so successful in creating a hoopla about their entry into synthesizers some years ago that now all Behringer releases/updates are virtually the only posts that truly garner comments and feedback.

    So many good hardware/software/updates basically get ignored by commenters on this site these days. It really feels like many of us are just waiting for our chance to engage in the Great Behringer Debate yet again.

    How about those Digitakt and Cobalt updates?

  13. This company just doesn’t make sense, it’s like an internet troll built a huge factory and hired a dozen different product designers who are never allowed to speak to each other.

  14. sp-2400 ~$1500
    microgranny ~$250 but too small to be useful.

    Are there any other 12 bit samplers on the market right now?

    I’m not the biggest Behringer fan, but they are starting to get into weird territories that other manufacturers are not covering right now. I’d love something with proper 12 bit ad/da to grit up some hip hop drums. the bit crusher on the digitakt does not really sound good to my ears or do the job the way an old sampler would.

    1. ik multimedia uno drum is hybrid analog with 6x 12 bit drums, the mfb tanzmaus have two 12 bit channels
      some discontinued machine but relatively new like elektron machine drum and some small projects like tb2 attack.
      volca sample is 31.25 khz 16 bit (talking about “weird territories”)

    2. the way old samplers sound is a combination of several factors:
      – anti aliasing filters used before the recording (or lack thereof)
      – anti aliasing filters used when playing back (or lack tehereof)
      – a ‘regular’ filter in the soundpath
      – the way the soundpath is made (analog, digital, hybrid)

      There is indeed a lot of parameters needed to make a new sampler sound like one of the old ones.

  15. The value that B-word steals from Linn is that some people who desire a clone of the LinnDrum will be drawn to it (even if it isn’t really a clone). If B-word abandoned the oblique Linn name & look and made their own thing, they would lose those sales.

    We live in drum machine rich times– considering all the hard & soft offerings that exist. As with all music tech, there isn’t one mightiest of the mighty, each item has its strengths and weaknesses.

    1. I like it!

      Behringer customers always come up with better names than they do – ‘BARP 2600’, ‘BRO-1’ and ‘BS-101’. Much more memorable than whatever the real names are!

      Can they really be serious about ‘LmDrum’?

  16. “This is our homage to the iconic LinnDrum but also so much more.” or, “Ever wanted ‘that’ sound plus so much more coupled with today’s modern functionality and playability in a single box? Look no further, we have created just that box, the Barihnger LND” or something to that effect is how they should be marketing this thing, imho. Take away the logo that is trying to imitate the Linn logo, with a modern type face, name it something more original, and give it a modern graphic look overall, something like black on brushed aluminum with rack ears.

    1. Right – how hard is it?

      And how hard would it be to get a little creative with the design? It seems like everybody liked the acid smiley face 303 clone.

      That seems like a rare time when a little creativity and humor actually made it out alive from Behringer’s clone factory.

  17. Fior everyone saying how they love innovation…there are exactly zero comments right now on the post about the Argon 8 and the 6 new algorithms that they have released for their INNOVATIVE digital synth.

  18. God, can all the bad language, finger pointing, and hate end. Wasn’t the pandemic enough? I come here to be refreshed and read about music gear, and the decently written good n bad reviews…..but I find mostly negativity and hate. This is worst than SOAP. This is like the horror on finds on the news channels ….

    All the ones that generate hate you can all go Feed on one another and give the rest of us a break!

    I’ll continue to come to Synthtopia … I love the site !!!!

  19. With that feature set, if it was two shades of blue and named Big Birhana, no one would be blathering about its Linn rip aroma and the thing could sit next to a Deepmind without feeling embarrassed.

    1. Right – but it seems like Behringer is trying to run away from doing things like the Deepmind or the Neutron as fast as they can.

      Have they done any original synths since they introduced the Neutron? That was like 3-4 years ago, and they’ve introduced a lot since then and it seems like everything’s been the knockoffs.

      Did the Deepmind and Neutron just not sell? It seems like the Deepmind shows up in a lot of Youtube videos.

  20. Honestly, I believe that a musician shouldn’t fight ideological battles, but instead judge the product for what it offers. If it’s a good, original product, wouldn’t the fact that it’s pretty similar to the LinnDrum be a plus? I mean, I’ve always loved the aesthetics of old drum machines (and synths, of course), especially those alluring wooden panel: having something similar is a great addition, since I couldn’t afford to buy/repair an original LinnDrum (especially out of fear that it could stop working anytime).

    1. Wow this post is one big y i k e s.

      “Honestly, just accept consumerist capitalism, don’t think about ethics, only judge products! That’s what a musician should do!”
      No offense but you sound like someone who’s interested in buying things, not a musician. Be careful to not confuse the two.

      1. So you’re definitely not a consumer living in a capitalist free market country but Andy is? Where are you based as you write this poorly considered criticism?

        Do you have a cell phone? A laptop? A car? A TV? A toaster? A microwave? …..any mass produced electronic device whatsoever? Unless you live in a cave or a seriously fucked up country then your reply is shallow and meaningless

        1. “People are not allowed to have critique of a society they take part in!” is by far the stupidest take I’ve read on the entire internet related to this topic. How do you have to fold your brain to make that seem logical to you?

          But good to know there’s an exclusion clause in your contract so that people living in caves -are- allowed to have opinions, I’m sure that’ll please them greatly.

          1. So pointing out that you’re obviously a massive hypocrite makes me stupid? Well if that isn’t the most brain foldingly illogical thing I’ve read on the entire internet related to this topic

            1. If you’ve somehow managed to convince yourself that partaking in a non-voluntary society somehow makes people hypocrite for having opinions on said society? Yes, that does make you incredibly stupid.

              Not only do you make a large amount of assumptions (I do not own a toaster, microwave, car or TV, I grow my own vegetables, I solder my own synths) but the bizarreness comes from the idea that partaking in capitalism is somehow a choice you can consciously make. Regardless that I can’t actually live without say, a cellphone, due to the requirement from my government to do the taxes. Does that mean I’m immediately OK with child-labour in lithium mines required to make the batteries for said phones? Of course not! No one can live independently from this system, even if you could it would require an immense amount of wealth and immediately show how wrought such an idea is.

              The fact you even went and wrote “Unless you live in a cave” already shows that not partaking isn’t an option, yet you still bite down firmly as if what you wrote somehow makes any sense. Let alone that it would also disqualify most of political debate and philosophy on these topics since the industrial revolution (considering it was all written within a capitalist system, even if it critiqued it *shock*), but I wouldn’t put it past you if you think owning a phone disqualifies you from having an opinion on child-labour in lithium mines, for one.

              1. i`nm not insulting you, just to be safe here 😉
                i`m just using the same language / logic as you do here, so…..

                i hope you do have your own lithium lake as well.
                also, for someone growing his own veggies you spent an awful lot of time trolling and insulting other people AND trying to be right about literally everything, which you ARE NOT, and that`s nothing bad, accept it.

                i bet you haven`t got a single release out there but you know how everything works and is connected or at least should be – iyho. well, you probably will answer – you know what? i do not only grow my own carrots, i also have cows and make my drum skins myself! and you know WHAT? i have released like 100 records but i won`t tell you the name, you have to find out by yourself, LOL. am i right? 🙂 i know i am and it will drive you mad 🙂

                this is my first & last post on this website, guys like you really are spoilsports.

            2. Admin: eoin & blerp – both your comments have degraded into personal attacks.

              We expect readers to be intelligent enough to have a no-holds-barred argument without resorting to name-calling.

              Up your fight game or be banned from the ring – your choice.

    2. Come on. You can’t see how this is a bad thing? And musicians not fighting ideological battles?! Joni Mitchell, Rage Against The Machine, The Clash, Public Enemy…anyone that’s ever sung about feeling like an outcast?

      Behringer are the Walmart of the music industry. They kill small manufacturers and suppress innovation with price pressure. They are scum.

      Make it look old, sure. Have it inspired by a popular machine, sure. But LmDrum? Ridiculous garbage.

  21. this could be very cool. and if it actually samples in 8 and 12 bit rather than just having an onboard bit crushing processor that would be amazing. but man, just drop the Linn Drum design and call it something else, like “Deep Mind Drum” or something.

  22. Will not sound anything like the OG. And could the name be anymore lame.

    But it’s all good. Knowing Uli can’t get real shit done fills my heart with joy.

    Enjoy the fake junk Behlovers.

  23. The cloned coat is disappointing. They should drop it and start standing on their own 2 feet.
    Yes give it an 80’s twist, but 1:1 copy and past sucks. A good example is the dreadbox FX unit, stylistically placed and a new design so no ties but all the sound and feel implied.

    Otherwise this is finally a new thing, the first new design since the Deep-mind, which is by far their best product. Midas really need to be put in charge of R&D and Germany step back from the photocopier.

    If the sampling is true 8 /12 bit DACs without AA filters. Then it’s great. If not, might as well just anything else and use a software bit crusher.

    I think in all honesty this is going to be the first real test of Behringer delivery since the DM12. They can either go down this horrible Linn drum nearly cloned colour and font. Or pull it back ( ala deep mind and wing ) plus deliver on the technical spec.

    I would love them to take the risk now and stop the issues of constant clones and stand above it.

    1. Good call on the Dreadbox FX!

      IMHO Behringer’s drum machine should look akin to that. It would perfectly encapsulate the whole retro Linn, 80’s and synthwave vibe!

      Uli, do you hear me…?

  24. It’s curious that while it’s not a clone / copy it looks like one. Someone suggested that they started making a clone/ copy and changed their minds. Oddly the proposed EMS VCS3 was teased as looking like the VCS3 but Uli told me it wasn’t a copy. So it’s being set out from the get go as not a copy but looks like the vintage icon. People might think they are getting clones and copies judging by the appearence but they are not. When I asked Uli if he would be clear on that point re the VCS3 looking thing he stopped replying.

    1. Interesting that he’s saying that the EMS VCS3 knockoff/clone/whatever isn’t a copy.

      If you’re going to make a ‘BCS3’ or some shit like that, it seems like you should either go full on and make a well-done VCS3 clone or do something like the Erica Synths SYNTRX, which has all sorts of cool updates.

      I’d be interested in a VCS3 clone, just because all my 70’s synth god heroes used it. I’ll be a lot less interested if it’s just some Coolaudio chips with a patch matrix thrown on the front, because the patch matrix is sort of the Achilles Heel of the original.

      1. But Behringer wants both: It wants the fame that comes from something looking like a VCS3, but without having to put in the work to make a SYNTRX. They know people will buy it based on how it looks & based on assumptions, knowing full well almost no one buying one has even used one before.

    2. Interesting thought. Same has happened with the Deepmind: it started as a Roland Juno clone / copy, then they changed their minds (i.e. they started to add features to it).

      I’d say this per se isn’t a bad thing. Behringer (the company) just needs to step away a fair bit from past registered designs and find an exterior that is more their own!

  25. I love that this is a rare Behringer product that is not a knockoff, yet the word knockoff appears way more times than in posts about a Behringer project that IS a knockoff. Hahahaha!

  26. Possiede Behringer lo spirito di un produttore napoletano (cinese) di borse finto Versace, Gucci, Calvin Klein…i compratori sanno che l’oggetto comprato è di scarsa qualità, perciò costa poco. Non bisogna essere moralisti tutti hanno diritto al mangiare. In italia ogni tanto qualche produttore truffaldino viene denunciato e chiude. Behringer si è messo al sicuro andando a produrre nella nazione dove le regole occidentali sulla concorrenza leale non contano nulla. La legge occidentale non può arrivare fin lì. Dopotutto alcuni produttori cinesi con genetica napoletana di sicuro, di prodotti tessili, di pelle, profumi, ombrelli… da anni prima di lui operano in questo illegale modo, con il tacito consenso dei governi cinesi : anche loro fanno aumentare le esportazioni e quindi la ricchezza nazionale.

  27. All this hand ringing and pearl clutching about it being something beyond a Linn Drum. Well no kidding. Seriously? Did you even LOOK at the display? What is that? C’mon brainiacs. You all should recognize an exact copy of a Digitakt. ?

  28. Looks pretty neat. Why put the Kicks on the right? Finger drumming with the kick in the lower left is now a 30+ year tradition. It’s like swapping the A and the E key on a piano-type or qwerty-type keyboard. Possible but why??

  29. for the record, I would never have bought a a modern Behringer sampling drum machine, but I’m going to instantly buy a recreation of a Linndrum, I love the look, I like the workflow, and hopefully the swing recreates the og, and has the og samples. Aslo I don’t have 6k to spend on an original one. So I think Behringer made the right move here.

  30. Considering that Uli once said that they only want to do analog circuits and aren’t very fond of / focusing on digital synths, seeing this – the first foray into a Behringer sampler if you will – looks very promising.

  31. Knockoff or not. I don’t get why people are setup because the original Linn Drum is not being made anymore since a very long time. So why cant they revive it and on top of that add more features like sampling. I don’t think there is anything wrong with it.

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