Behringer Intros Groove Keys, ‘The Ultimate Groove Machine’

Behringer has introduced the Groove Keys, a new keyboard groovebox that’s like an Arturia Keystep Pro with a built-in sound engine.

The interface appears to be closely modeled on the Keystep Pro, but with additional controls to support the internal sound engine:


  • 4-Channel Sequencer
  • Dedicated Drum Sequencer
  • Internal Polyphonic Sound Engines
  • Wide range of MIDI and CV/Gate I/O options

Pricing and Availability:

Behringer says that they do not have a delivery date or price yet, because they’re “still waiting for chips”, adding that they have close to 100 new products in the works.

97 thoughts on “Behringer Intros Groove Keys, ‘The Ultimate Groove Machine’

  1. I think you guys should stop reporting on Beringer new product announcements and stick to actual shipping announcements. How much of this stuff is still vaporware?

    1. I have completely lost track of all the things they have announced. I wouldn’t be surprised if they just announce new product ideas just to gauge interest and buzz prior to real development.

    2. Behringer product announcements are newsworthy and of interest to many readers, as the comments on this and other posts demonstrates.

    3. Then synthtopia should not report on any products before they are being delivered. There are products from other makers, that either has been substantially delayed, or canceled. There is reason thinking Behringer will not deliver products that started out as the announced future products, even if some are re-designed.
      So then, for consistency, Synthtopia should not cover any pre delivery announcement from any maker. Also Behringer has a better track record than most for re-designing after feedback following announcements. So there is real value in posting about Behringer announcements, even if they are not ready for imminent release.

      1. The other makers are not announcing 100nds of products that are not available. It is a question of measure. Behringer surely is a repeat offender in this and clearly this is a very aggressive marketing technique. Why should be all be victims of that?

    1. We routinely use ‘introduced’ when companies announce new products.

      Give us more context on your concern. Are you thinking that the fact that Behringer debuts gear, with no ship date, deserves special treatment, beyond noting this fact in the article?

      1. I agree with Will. I cannot introduce you to my girlfriend because I haven’t met her yet. A company announces they are working on a flying car, but they cannot introduce me to one until I can touch it. Please refrain from such misleading hype. It does nothing but frustrate your readers.

        1. “It does nothing but frustrate your readers.”

          100+ comments on the last Behringer announcement ( demonstrates that this info is newsworthy to Synthtopia readers.

          Also, please explain what in the article you consider ‘misleading hype’.

          Behringer notes that they will put this into production when they can get the necessary components. The article also notes this. If there’s any statement that’s ‘hype’ in the above article, we’d challenge you to point it out.

          Behringer is taking the strategy of investing through the downturn, so that when the global supply chain issues get resolved, they will have a backlog of new designs to release. So, not only is this individual announcement newsworthy, but it’s part of a newsworthy company strategy.

          1. “100+ comments on the last Behringer announcement demonstrates that this info is newsworthy to Synthtopia readers.”

            For us readers or for filling your pockets with the traffic it creates?

            Just because people respond to something doesn’t mean it’s news worthy. But what is a fact and what you can’t deny is that you benefit from it financially.

            1. Champ

              When people want to read about news and discuss it, that’s an important indicator of its newsworthiness.

              Page views and comments are not the only things we take into consideration for determining newsworthiness of a story. But they ARE a way that we can validate our choices of what to cover.

              This is as it should be. If we are making correct decisions about what to cover, you and other readers will reward us with your attention.

              Synthtopia has been successfully covering the things synthesists are interested in, for close to two decades, which for us is validation of our approach.

          2. i definitely dislike behringer’s announcement only marketing, i nevertheless expect a news site like synthtopia to report such news.

      2. I do think you ought to look at this differently. They’ve been doing it so long and so blatantly that’s it’s become kind of a punchline, and they’re just exploiting blogs & websites’ desire for New! Stuff! to fill their own content quota.

        I’m not gonna stop reading Synthtopia if vaporware announcements are slightly late or a company that makes lots of them has several grouped together. I don’t think you’re obliged to serve as an unpaid billboard for a hype marketing strategy.

        1. “I don’t think you’re obliged to serve as an unpaid billboard for a hype marketing strategy.”

          We are not sponsored in any way by Behringer – they don’t even advertise on sites, to our knowledge.

          But, as noted above, it’s in our self-interest to cover news that people are interested in, and it should be transparent to readers that there’s a lot of interest in Behringer’s announcements. Readers are interested in their gear and are passionate about the company – both pro and con.

          Synthtopia shares the top stories that readers are talking about in our sidebar, and we definitely use page views as comments as a tool for understanding what readers are interested in.

      3. I have to agree with the complaint above. I get you are in a tough spot as I assume Behringer is a sponsor and pays for ads etc…

        At this point Behringer has been very misleading about many products coming to market. Remember the edge? While you are correct they generate a lot of interest – half (if not more) is negative and their products are vaporware. This should be more like “behringer announces idea” and at this point they should go into the NFT business because pictures is all we’ll ever see of most of these “products”.

        1. “I get you are in a tough spot as I assume Behringer is a sponsor and pays for ads etc… ”

          That’s an incorrect assumption. Behringer has never advertised with Synthtopia and, as far as I know, they don’t advertise on any websites.

          As noted above, our decisions about what to cover are informed, in part, by what readers want to read and talk about. That’s inherently an indicator of newsworthiness.

          I’d push back on your statement that “Behringer has been very misleading about many products coming to market.”

          Behringer has been pretty consistent about saying that they will release the new products that they’ve been introducing as soon as the global supply chain issues start working themselves out, and they are able to get parts. Given that they are saying this up front, how do you feel like they are misleading you?

          1. Oh my Synthhead….where to even begin. First of all, they needn’t advertise when they have a marketing arm and outlet such as yours. Whether you are merely reporting or trafficking in clicks, the function becomes one in the same. And I realise that is your job, the very purpose of endeavour, to inform and run a viable business. However at this juncture, you’re conflating two very functions and byproducts.

            You seem to believe that the traffic, readers, and clicks you generate are proof that you are doing something right, that is not how any of this works! Here is some editorial honesty, I don’t care for Behringer, not in light of how they conduct business or the Musk like ego and thin skinned vitriol that Uli practises. Yet I also believe that you are obliged and required to cover their product announcements, as they are noteworthy for the given purpose of your site!

            Announcements and introductions are vastly different, and you should know better! And you do, however you choose to believe that driving traffic with a slight deviation in wording is justified because the clicks say so…..that’s called misleading at best, and dishonest at worst. You’re better than this, begin to show it once more.

            And never mind that your site routinely misses on major announcements from much smaller, lesser known developers and makers that other sites have no issues covering.

            1. Modern3 – thanks for the feedback.

              We question your suggestion that “Announcements and introductions are vastly different”. The two words are literally synonyms:

              Most major synth companies, intro new designs at the Winter NAMM Show, months before the products ship. And some of these designs never ship – like the original design for the Korg Opsix, or Dave Smith Instruments’ LinnDrum II.

              Does that make these company’s introductions, or our coverage, “misleading at best, and dishonest at worst”? No. The companies generally try to make clear what they are introducing, and we try to do the same.

              We cover NAMM introductions and these Behringer introductions because they’re demonstrably and measurably of great interest to Synthtopia readers.

              Reading between the lines, it seems that you’re taking issue with the fact that Behringer is doing what these other companies are doing, but doing it a massively larger scale. Like we noted elsewhere, Behringer says they have close to 100 new products in their pipeline that are being held back by parts availability.

              To address the fact that there’s a difference between introducing a product and actually shipping it, we include a “Pricing and Availability’ section, every time we cover a new product. This is so that readers are NOT mislead about availability. And we try to provide an update when major new products are shipping or are available.

              If that is not enough information for you to be informed – especially to the point that you think that you feel like you’re being ‘misled’ or that Synthtopia is being ‘dishonest’, you haven’t made clear why you or any other reasonable reader would feel that way.

              Regarding missing major announcements from smaller developers – there is a Feedback link on every single page of our site, which developers and readers alike use daily to provide leads. Many smaller developers do not have a lot of resource to promote their products and may not even update their site. If anyone thinks that we are missing covering a newsworthy story, you can help readers of this site out by sharing that with us via the Feedback form, and that may help out these smaller companies, too.

              1. Synthhead,

                First allow me to say that I appreciate your efforts to effectively engage and respond to criticism, that requires courage, integrity, and credibility, which you have shown amply in these exchanges.

                Secondly, I believe I have made my position clear. My objections to Behringer have even less to do with their blatant copying of old designs and more to do with their blatant infringement on current intellectual property rights, their aggressive litigious nature, and the stifling of competition by there sheer size and scale of operations.

                And lastly, I believe at this juncture, the readers would be better served if the headline had some sort of disclaimer when Behringer makes an announcement, as I believe the words announcement and introduction differ and certainly in the case of Behringer since they make no distinction despite the parts shortage. Perhaps “Behringer announces pending the end of the parts shortage” would be more appropriate as no other manufacture has engaged in making announcements of this type unless they have a firm release date. And at this juncture, it is clear that Behringer is attempting to stall and manipulate buyers with announcements in advance to reserve potential budgets for their equipment.

                Cheers to you and happy holidays, and this may very well be my last post on your forum not because I am banishing you per se, however I do not ever wish their to be a conflict of interest.

          2. Sorry for the incorrect assumption on advertising! We learn something new every day.

            Chip shortages are subsiding and getting old as an excuse ( I no longer am having problems buying anything else – I got an elektron syntakt just fine.

            I think they are overstating their intent as a way of using forums like this as a focus group and feel misled because things like the edge I referenced above which were opened for preorder in late 2021 haven’t shipped. Not 1 batch! Yet I see sequential putting out new synths (and elektron and ASM etc…) To me that is what I consider to be the proof that behringer is being misleading.

            I agree with your point about this all being good for debate, and to talk about. I was simply chiming in on why I would choose different words for the headline. I don’t trust behringer any longer – and as you can tell I think they are lying at this point. Some products will be released. I bet most wont.

            Thanks for the conversation!

            1. “Chip shortages are subsiding and getting old as an excuse ”

              Every company we’ve discussed this with has said that supply chain issues are one of their biggest challenges now. And a lot of good companies have gone out of business recently because they can’t get the parts they need, so they can’t make and sell their designs.

              Based on the discussions we’ve had with synth manufactures, they see this issue easing, but continuing to be a challenge through 2023.

              If any manufacturers have a different perspective on this, we’d welcome them to share it here!

              When it comes to Behringer delivering on the products that they’ve introduced – they introduced a whole slate of gear a few years ago – the D, the Wasp, the ARP 2600, The Cat, SYNTHI VCX3, MS-101, the K-20, the RD-8 & RD-9, etc. And lots of readers called BS.

              Since then, Behringer has shipped just about everything from that initial flood of introductions. There are a few exceptions, like the VCSX and the LMX, but they’ve provided periodic updates on those products, too, so there’s no reason to believe that they will not eventually get released.

              Behringer has invested full steam ahead with product design through the pandemic, when they could not ship many of their new designs. This positions them to ship a huge slate of new gear once the supply chain issues work themselves out, which you and other readers should understand is likely to put them at competitive advantage to companies that did not invest in design through the pandemic.

              They will eventually be shipping a boatload of new synth designs, and this is extremely relevant to Synthtopia readers.

          3. …and yet, you have so many readers complaining about this Behringer strategy but it doesn’t affect your decisions as you claim they would. And really how many positive Behringer discussion threads have you read in synthtopia? It is either: are they blatantly copying an existing design or older design etc, or are they shaming using anti-semetic tropes a colleague of yours or suing a synth legend over his name. I mean what else is a synth company supposed to do, so that a site like yours can watch their marketing techniques with at least some sort of skepticism? Is this the usual way, other music technology companies operate?

            1. Behringer is a controversial, disruptive company that is hated by some and loved by others.

              We cover Behringer as a controversial, disruptive company that is hated by some and loved by others.

  2. It’s ugly with a nice personality. Can’t wait to see the price since I assume its less than the keystep pro. So maybe $299.00.

  3. Always cool to see a new synth engine, even if there doesn’t appear to be many controls for sound editing. And good to see them innovating a little.

  4. I am ambivalent about Behringer producing clones of long out of manufacture synths, but to shamelessly rip-off a very recent product of Arturia again????

    1. Arturia’s product was released in a broken state and to this day still has serious implementation issues. Behringer are scumbags but if there was ever an Arturia product that deserved to be ripped off, the Keystep Pro is it. Hopefully Behringer’s take actually works properly.

  5. That would have been, pretty much, an instant buy. However, no pitch and mod wheels, no deal! I have had more than enough of those tacky little touch strips. Nice try, fail.

    1. “Instant buy”? Instant buy is the one thing you definitely can’t do with this.
      Interested to hear more about the internal sound engine, though.

    2. A matter of personal preference IMHO. I’ve got synths with traditional p/m wheels and I’ve got a Keystep 37 with the touch strips. I really like the expressiveness of the touch strips, especially for using the pitch bend strip for vibrato.

  6. Will I buy this product? Nope.

    It’s again a stupid copy of Arturia’s Keystep Pro.
    Yes it offers different things but anyone with a functioning brain can see they’re clearly stealing this design from Arturia.

    So all l can say is F Y Uli for again showing what a rotten piece of crap he is in this industry.
    I hope there’s a case for Arturia to sue the shit out of Behringer.

    And if anything we should support Arturia and ask/mail/call them if they will upgrade their Keystep Pro. If Behringer can annouce gear that’s gonna take forever to hit the market (and have sites with no backbone like Synthtopia whore for them) So can Arturia. And I know who I’ll rather support. 🙂

        1. To imitate is not to “attack”. Behringer saw something that appeals to a large number of people, improved on it, and will presumably sell it at a kinder price point. Back in the late 90s, when and where all of the Behringer hate started, Greg Mackie and Samson (U.S. distributor of Mackie mixers) sued Behringer for cloning their mixers (right down to the circuit boards). Initially, Mackie won, but later that win was overruled because Behringer’s cloning didn’t violate US copyright laws. At the time, Behringer was selling their mixers at about 1/2 the cost of the Mackies. Sure, this pissed off Mackie and a lot of people who bought the Mackie originals, however, musicians who couldn’t afford Mackie gear had an alternative they could afford. At the time, Behringer wasn’t a household word, and some people did see some allure in “handcrafted in Germany”). Personally, I ended up purchasing the Mackie mixers, but a lot of my friends who weren’t as fortunate as me bought the Behringers. That Behringer brought a lot of happiness to a lot of musicians (in a whole lot of product categories, over the years) who couldn’t afford more expensive products never really bothered me a whole lot. I’ve never understood Behringer hate.

          1. And you really believe that nonsense? All you do is making excuses for a dictator to step in and take over because it found loopholes in the system. Open your eyes and look into the world and see what kind of attitude like that gets you. (tip: go listen to a couple of Putin’s speeches and you’ll hear what i’m talking about)

            To think the world is a better place because Behringer rips off other companies show the complete selfishness with some of you. I’ll bet you all be screaming differently when they come after your company.

            Just look at the entire portofolio of Musictribe. It has put so many other companies against the wall and in worst case out of business. And what do you get in return? Cheap low quality junk with hardly any support and underpayed employment. You also get extreme marketing and clueless fanboys that go hard on it because they’ve no clue what’s already been available on the market for decades and affordable on the secondhand market for those with less money to spend.

            Look at all the synths that Behringer released so far. Do you see much creativity there or just a big narcissist with too much power? Musictribe has loads of power now and will use it at any cost against all others. If you haven’t seen what it has destoyed already and continue to do than yeah I can understand why you don’t understand the hate against them. It’s because you haven’t even tried to look at the bigger picture.

              1. Do you think Arturia will further invest in new products when these type of practices (supported by some of you) continue?

                Some of us see a patern from miles away and try to bring some sense into the conversation. The behringer bashing that’s been happening for decades has a good reason. The last thing we want is to see Synthtopia post about the next synth company that filed for bankruptcy.

                Am i mad for spreading my frustration about it? Maybe, but it sure is sad to see people defending this type crazy shit. We all would love to see a better a better Keystep Pro but I sure hope not like this.

            1. curious what your age is – you do know that the whole cloning thing only became a negative in the 90s – as a kid growing up in the 80s copying products including electronics was commonplace and completely accepted as competition until in the 90s the concept of copyright and patents were used to protect larger companies in the marketplace like sony

          2. Behringer are dicks about lots of stuff, but I doubt they will ever drive anyone, Arturia included out of business.

            Mackie is still around 30 years later and still makes new mixers all the time.

            If anything this forces existing companies to iterate new products on a shorter timetable to cash in, so to speak, before the clones attack. By then, the innovators will be on to the next thing.

            Complaints can be made for endless product churn, but that’s also been something manufacturers like Korg and Roland have done since….forever. Every year the new and improved model of the synth you bought a year or two back comes out.

    1. Make sure to wipe off your shoe prints from the pedastal before you put it back in the closet. Thank you Synthtopia for doing whatever you want with your site.

  7. nice connectivity but should clean up the way it looks too busy and just call it GK and get rid of the groove key name maybe even add some knobs where the name was instead

  8. I wouldn’t hold my breath. Tried 3 units of the Swing and all had pinging/scratchy springs. Borderline frustrating. And I doubt it’ll change here.

  9. *yughly* more vintage clones please!

    modern desktop minikey stuff is such a stupid looking mess.

    oh, so that’s why the text is too small here – ads taking up the space. ooo, and a like button! lol don’t need that!

    content blocker on!

  10. I wonder if there’s an internal joke within the Behringer industrial design department about who can get the most nasty looking product to market?

  11. I like how the photo of the Behringer product looks like it has no right angles. Everything looks like it was stuck on last minute. Some of the keys have no space between them, others not so much. It looks like it melted a little bit.

  12. Arturia stuff is meh anyways. if this adds more functionality than the keystep, i will buy one. In fact, i will buy three, one for home studio, one for studio studio, and one for travel / GF’s studio, just to make up for the people in this thread who wont buy one. hehe

    1. Clearly you never used one as the Keystep Pro is a very powerful and succesful controller. My biggest complaint are the minikeys as I don’t like those but for the rest it’s a well built unit. To be fair it took a few updates to get it where it is now. But than again given Behringer’s trackrecord.. Yeah these companies are miles apart when it comes to support.

  13. “When the chips come in” has turned into the chorus of a bad pop song. Imagine the tidal wave of cheepness if Behringer gets all of the chips it needs at once. I’m going to keep saving and the day their announcement of 27 different actual hardware items appears, I’ll buy something more upscale.

  14. Seems like Behringer stuff should be treated as speculative vaporware until/unless it actually ships (or at least they announce a ship date). That said, this does look like it has some interesting innovations over the KSP (I have a KSP which I will not be replacing, just saying). If they use some of the extra knobs to provide better control integration with external synths that’d be good. The knobs on the KSP are not really useful outside of their sequencer functions.

  15. One thing that I have noticed is that, Behringer news of any kind will always attract haters on this forum.
    Personally I don’t own any Behringer products but, seeing all the other members of this board that don’t own it either and post negative comments makes me wonder – WHY?! Where is that hatred coming from..?!
    Behringer doesn’t force anyone to buy their products – it’s your own decision.
    If you don’t have Behringer products at all, stop posting negative comments please.
    What’s the point..?

    1. Anybody who’s been around music for a while has bought some Behringer gear, because the prices look so good, only to be pissed off a few years later when it breaks.

      I have enough experience with Behringer gear breaking and being unrepairable that I dont have any fantasies about what a deal their gear is anymore – it’s designed to be cheap, and that has its downsides.

      Behringer fanboys are still in that honeymoon phase.

      1. I’m guessing that I have been around music for about as long as anyone here. My experience with Behringer has been almost exactly the opposite of yours. I currently have about eight Behringer units in my studio (most of them audio interfaces). Over the last 25 years, or so, I would guess that I have had at least 30 Behringer products in my studio, including a DX3216 digital mixer that served me well for over 10 years before I sold it. In my time purchasing Behringer products (since they were completely manufactured in China), I have never had one fail more than a week after I purchased it, and most that did fail were DOA (a well understood quality control issue at Behringer, that is caused by the process, not the thoroughness). Every Behringer product that worked for more than a week, continued to work flawlessly for the time that I owned it. In each product category, I have found Behringer products to be at least as durable as the product they were clones of. Also, currently, Behringer makes the ONLY Minimoog replacement that sounds like a vintage Minimoog. I’ve had my Model D for over three years now and it hasn’t even hiccuped once. So, maybe you have had an uncharacteristically run of bad luck with Behringer products, or you just like to bash the company because you don’t like them. Either way, there are people who have found Behringer products to be as durable and reliable as any other manufacturer’s products, and I am one of them.

        1. John, my experience certainly differs from yours. Full disclosure, I have never owned a single Behringer line of equipment. I do own a Midas digital mixer however that product was purchased just prior to the Behringer acquisition of Midas. As for my experience, I would attest to the fact that York University’s engineering department used Behringer equipment as “case” studies to display and note poor engineering practises and potential durability issues back in the mid 1990’s. The equipment was notoriously inexpensive and famously well regarded to exemplify nearly any manufacturing defect that one desired to point out.

          That said, Uli used his ill begotten gains wisely and invested and reinvested in the engineering and manufacturing processes of Behringer that I would comfortably say to counter Torgood’s take, that currently, Behringer’s products are probably on par with some of the better mass produced instruments available.

          Cheers and happy holidays.

        2. I promise you, you are the exception and not the rule.

          anyone remember that first batch of neutrons where you couldn’t bypass the LFO?

        3. I didn’t know it is normal to expect a product to malfunction within the first week.. Perhaps the rest of the music technology companies are spoiling us. In all honesty though, i prefer that this is the norm and not the outlier.

        4. It seems you invested a quite a bit in Behringer. What I see most of the time is those who invest in something will try defend that in the best way they are able to. But as someone who worked in different music stores my pov couldn’t be more the opposite. Anything can break, no brand has a perfect product yet the amount of Behringer products that came back was rediculous high. If you’re gonna say Behringer is the brand for durable products than I hope readers will take that advice with at least a couple trucks of salt.

          1. @Champ, I loathe Behringer for their practises, that said my comment regarding the durability of their current offerings is speculative based on the 3 year warranty coverage. I still would never give Behringer any money for purely ethical reasons.


    2. Leslie, you do read do you not? Do you make any effort to keep yourself informed? At all? Then perhaps you would have inkling as to the vitriol directed at Uli, Behringer et al…..

  16. I started off with Behringer guitar pedals, mixers and amps. They were affordable for me at the time. I think it’s good to have cheap alternatives for people who have the desire to make music but not so much money. A lot of great music has been made, and genres have been created, by broke musicians using the cheapest stuff they could get their hands on.

    It’s not so often that some boring dude with the scratch to have a wall of modular synths invents a new genre, or even makes listenable music for that matter.

    Having said that, everything except my Behringer mixer broke within a few years and I probably wouldn’t buy anything from them again, but I’m grateful I could learn with their crappy products.

  17. I’d really like it if Behringer published a “running order” of their prospective releases. Not necessarily dates, but the order in which things will go into production or, if they are spreading components across the various products, what size production run they are planning. Disclaimer: I have zero 3xperience in their particular line of business, so I accept that this could be impossible to predict. GASing for a Proton!

    1. I thougt I’d share some views on the debate above, but no – Instead I’ll use this opportunity to whish you all a merry and peaceful christmas.

    2. Behringer is building their vintage revival/knock off/clone business on a platform architecture focused on low cost, high volume (for the music industry). platforms like this use the same parts across a large number of products; chips, passives, electromechanical class parts are all the same so they can get large discounts on parts. the only differences you’ll find are plastic molded parts that embodying the ‘spirit’ of the original synth. the rest? it’s all the same parts, even the enclosures and packaging. another benefit is common design rules for manufacturing, common processes, common knowledge bases, etc… these things all cost money to implement and maintain, every time you can reuse an existing process you save costs.

      When parts are scarce, companies are forced to buy at spot prices – these are prices that aren’t negotiated based on volume purchasing agreements – another method they use to get lower prices – purchasing agreements. the spot market has none of these niceties, you pay what they ask.

      once parts can be bought at prices that the business plan is designed for, literally any product that has passed pre-production acceptance process are ready to go. there were many products assumed to be at this stage based on pictures Behringer has shown – SH5, Wave, UB-Xa, Kobol, Kobol Expander. etc…

      also, want to thank synthhead for taking the time to articulate some of this for edification of this perennially recalcitrant audience.

      happy holidays!

  18. Well this seems like a hot topic! Full of the usual Behringer hate of the things Uli said years ago, their now expected cloning and the big backlog of unreleased stuff. Talk about beating a dead horse, get off your high/gatekeeping horse and if you dont care then dont click/comment and move tf on.

    That said this is a nice looking sequencer that improves of the thing they are cloning by actually adding a sound engine. Who knows what that might be if it’s a drum machine, FM, virtual analog, sampler…. at the end of the day is just one more ting to make noise and have fun while not costing an arm and leg. Count me in!

    BTW, not sure where it was that the convo on some synth got about how Behringer abuse chinese people by having stuff built there and it was so idiotic because all those fake worried people should start reading the label of pretty much everything they own was made? Too bad this is anonymous because I really want to hear wtf they produce and if it has any substance at all. My bet is they dont produce anything at all and if they do is just some vapid soulless crap just demoing their expensive penis measuring synths.

    Dman you Uli! Think of the polar bears! LOL

    1. The irony of your comment is that that the only ‘gatekeepers’ on this post are insecure Behringer buyers that think that anybody that criticizes the company needs to be canceled.

      You say things like “My bet is they dont produce anything at all and if they do is just some vapid soulless crap just demoing their expensive penis measuring synths.”

      Sorry, but saying shit like that just screams ‘micropenis energy.’

  19. If you don’t like the article then simply skip past it and move on. Complaining about things only perpetuates stress levels and is really not worth it. Life is fleeting. Embrace everything and be happy <3

  20. They sued 80 y.o Oberheim for his name!! For a synth-loving site, that would at least warrant them some sort of advertising ban. I don’t care for old synths and designs but the audacity and brutality the biggest music production company showcases is revolting at the very least, I don’t know, perhaps we are too idealistic. I can imagine Behringer can easily crush you if you don’t do what they say…

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