Erica Synths Updates Perkons HD-01 Drum Synth With Chromatic Voice Tuning & More

Erica Synths shared this video preview of their Perkons HD-01 Drum Synth running firmware 1.1, which adds chromatic tuning of the voices, a new algorithm and more.

Here’s what’s new in Perkons firmware v1.1:

• Chromatic MIDI note input

Set MIDI mode to multi-channel and you can program notes into the sequencer either by playing them live and recording or by pressing the desired step button and then sending in the MIDI note. Voice 1 = MIDI CH1, Voice 2 = MIDI CH2 etc.

  • MIDI note velocity input – If the setting is ON in the configuration menu, MIDI notes will be recorded with velocity. Higher velocity means higher volume.
  • •New Algorithm – Digital Noise – A new algorithm has been added to the Voice 4, Algo 2, Mode 1 slot. It is based on Digital noise PCM. Tune sets the frequency, PARAM 1 sets Timbre and it also correlates with the Tune. PARAM2 sets the amplitude envelope attack time.
  • Inverse ODDS behavior option – If this setting is ON in the configuration menu, ODDS after the sequence start will play inversely. For example – if the ODDS of a step are set to 1/4, it will only play on the 4th bar instead of the first. – FX parameters saving with KIT option
  • If the FX save setting is set to ON, the BBD settings (TIME, FEEDBACK) will be saved within the KIT.
  • Improved trigger/MIDI note recording – Better accuracy of note recording with the trigger keys, trigger input and MIDI.

See the Erica Synths site for details.

14 thoughts on “Erica Synths Updates Perkons HD-01 Drum Synth With Chromatic Voice Tuning & More

    1. Google is your friend: “Perkonas (Lithuanian: Perkonas, Latvian: Perkons, Old Prussian: Perkons, Perkunos, Yotvingian: Parkuns, Latgalian: Perkiuns) was the common Baltic god of thunder, and the second most important deity in the Baltic pantheon after Dievas.”

    1. Wishing Behringer to ripoff brands’ hard work is not very considerate, Imagine someone will rippoff your work.
      If you like it so much, save for it, buy second hand, respect the creators who do amazing work you seem to like, otherwise we may only have boring rippoffs you don’t.

    2. Wishing Behringer to ripoff brands’ hard work is not very considerate, Imagine someone will ripoff your job. If you like it so much, save for it, buy second hand, respect the creators who do amazing work you seem to like, otherwise we may only have boring standard instruments you don’t.

  1. @2:48 is very cool sounding

    It’s a badass box but I get this gut feeling it would be one of those “busy boxes” that I would make a sequence on it, tweak it for an hour or two while having a great time, but never actually make a “real song” on it, which is what happens to me with things like my OPZ.

    Maybe it’s just a “me” problem. They did up the midi spec on it…

      1. Yup, part of the charm of electronic music is that you can do it for yourself; enjoy it for yourself. Maybe have a buddy over and drink a beer over a longform jam or whatever. No one should expect to have listeners besides their mom these days.

        Sure, there are exeptions. But with a stream of a 100.000 songs being released each day, I’d say the enjoyment of making music should be to have fun by yourself first and foremost. Don’t waste your time, the world doesn’t need more songs.

  2. Had it for a short while, sold it back. There’s a gigantic shortcoming on the HD-01 that’s kinda surprising at this price range: no filter enveloppes. You don’t realise how important filter enveloppes (even a simple AD) are in percussion synthesis until you lack some…
    Was hoping they’d add some in a firmware update, but obviously not this one.
    Real pity.

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