Korg Berlin Intros Acoustic Synthesis Phase8 At Superbooth

At Superbooth 2024, held May 16-18 in Berlin, Tatsuya Takahashi & KORG Berlin introduced the Acoustic Synthesis Phase8.

This video captures the Korg Berlin Gesprächskonzert from May 17th , where they offered an introduction to their team and the new Phase8 acoustic synthesizer. They explain their approach to acoustic synthesis, and demo the Phase8 and its capabilities.

Check it out and share your thoughts on the Phase8 in the comments!

via Superbooth

3 thoughts on “Korg Berlin Intros Acoustic Synthesis Phase8 At Superbooth

  1. Why not just buy a marimba or guitar ? A wind up clock my nan once had sounded better than this absolute shit and it didn’t need a wall wart to function.

    You guys have lost the plot ?

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