33% Off All Ableton Software Through June 15th

Ableton is offering 33% off all its products through June 15th.

Which happens to be the day Synthtopia’s DAW Poll ends. Coincidence? Or diabolical plot to increase the numbers of Live users, indirectly influence the poll results and, then…..rule the world?

Yeah…..that would be the worst diabolical plot ever imagined. And we’ve imagined quite a few in the downtime between major synth news announcements.

Anyway, if you’ve been thinking about getting some Ableton stuff, check out the details at their site.

14 thoughts on “33% Off All Ableton Software Through June 15th

    1. the thought did cross my mind, but it would be an odd time to release it, no? Summer NAMM is July 12, but I would think they would wait for something bigger. Maybe they are just trying to boost quarter sales.

      …but I do hope.

  1. It’s obviously a slow time for sales, and I for one have been waiting for this! I got live 8 for under $200 last year, and now I just upgraded to Suite for an extra $100! Thanks synthhead, sales news like this is big for cheap amateurs like myself lol. Now if Reaktor or Komplete 8 would go on a cross grade sale again I will finally hold legal copies of all my software! Wtf is happening to me, I hit 40 and suddenly I’m eating organic and paying for things, its kinda disconcerting

    1. Nice, I was just thinking back about when I was a student, trying to remember if anyone gave discounts back then. Then I realized the DAW hadn’t even been invented yet

  2. this is awesome, i bought Live Intro a while back with a coupon so it was dirt cheap, missed a sale a last year, thanks for the info, now i can get Suite 8 for a very reasonable price.

  3. Please please please let this be a preamble to releasing a new version they have been working on for years and years and years that will be so awesome we can let it stagnate for ANOTHER 4 years.

  4. Obviously Ableton Live is very much starting to show its age. It is unfathomable to me that Live still has no sample editor capable of even basic destructive sample edits. I thought they’d eventually get around to it but I was wrong. Live went into the trash here this spring, where it belongs.

    Manufacturers need to learn that certain things are expected from a “full fledged production environment”. The minimum functionality includes:

    1. Destructive sample editing
    2. solid MIDI editing with the ability to see/work on several parts at once
    3. MIDI I/O including system exclusive
    4. An easy to use arrange page

    Even now, after God only knows how many years, Live lacks all this and more.

  5. Ableton may be seeing a cash crunch due to the slowness of the DAW’s updating. They offered 25% off at the end of last year for something like one or two straight months, then they offered 25% off again just a few weeks ago.

    They’ve got competition from cheaper DAWs, potential direct competition in a matter of weeks from Bitwig, and the big players either dropped their prices dramatically (Logic is $200) or are playing their own regular-discount prices (Protools).

    Ableton needs to either drop their prices or finally come out with Live 9, or both.

    For those people who are buying Live at a discount now: I guaranty that there will be no discounted upgrades when Live 9 comes out (I’m guessing by August). You’ll be paying more for the benefit of long-needed Live8 bug-squashing.

  6. Well i couldn’t resist,I only had the Lite version that came with my Launchpad.33% off seemed like a good deal to me,And I also had a $50 off coupon that came with my Akai MPK Mini

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