Voxengo Updates Site

Voxengo has relaunched their web site, offering visitors a lot of new features.

First of all, the Voxengo web site now features a new redesigned look and feel. Beside viewing normal product pages you can now conveniently browse through product group pages where you can quickly find a product suitable for a specific audio processing application.

Secondly, Voxengo web page now offers a special user area where users can store product codes which are used to remind of available product updates. This area also allows to restore product codes if they were lost at some point. To build a better conscisousness among the potential customers existing Voxengo customers can place links to their homepages in the user area. These links are then randomly shown on every page of the Voxengo web site.


Another set of improvements are: preset exchange and user testimonial entry. Preset exchange allows customers to access presets created by other customers and share their own presets and preset banks. User testimonial entry allows any visitor to submit product testimonial directed to all potential Voxengo product users and customers. This allows people to make more conscious decisions about Voxengo products.

Among the planned features are: redesigned forum software, shopping cart support and impulse response catalog with free and commerical impulse responses available for purchase. Shopping cart will make it possible for customers to build custom product bundles and get discount depending on the order volume.

The Voxengo web site URL is http://www.voxengo.com.

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