More Proof That Herbie Hancock Is The Only Guy Ever To Look Badass Playing The Keytar

After all the strange keytar pictures we included in the post Proof That Herbie Hancock Is The Only Guy Ever To Look Cool Playing The Keytar, I thought we’d be able to take a break from that for a while. 

There’s been a healthy debate over our original theory, but, unfortunately for guys everywhere, no solid evidence has been dug up to disprove it.

Larhule did note that the band The Human Aftertaste has a keytarist, saying that “perpatron is the child-molesting robot keytarist for a band called the human aftertaste.”

It actually appears that The Human Aftertaste has a pair of keytarists.

And it also appears that The Human Aftertaste may be one of the more disturbing bands ever to come from someplace other than Germany. 

Protus, aka Homo Superior, shown posing with his instrument, right, is responsible for trans-keyboard, tran-sampler and trans-guitar.

If that’s not enough to set off your disturb-o-meter, Perpatron, shown below, is responsible for “touching youth, keytar, keyboards”:

Interesting and bizarre, but it fails to disprove our previous assertion that Herbie Hancock is the only guy, ever, to look cool playing the keytar.

In case you need a reminder of what it looks like to be a badass keytarists, here’s a photo of Hancock in his 70’s heyday:

Let me know what you think of Perpatron and Protus – and we’re still looking for badass keytarist photos!

Herbie Hancock image via Ethan Hein

14 thoughts on “More Proof That Herbie Hancock Is The Only Guy Ever To Look Badass Playing The Keytar

  1. The funniest thing about Human Aftertaste is that they come from Davenport, Iowa, which is the least funny town in the Midwest. They’re basically a bunch of guys who get together to write and perform the grossest, most offensive, and ridiculous songs possible. Perhaps as a reaction to living in the least funny town in the Midwest.

  2. the dood can thrash and bash with the best of ’em, he the reason i am the monkey i am today.
    p.s. that dick ain’t a prop ladies.

  3. Human Aftertaste is my GOD!

    They are some of the most delightful people I have ever encountered.
    they have more care and dedication to their fans than any other band I have met.
    Swell folks and Bad Asses for sure <3

  4. Pogo, the ex-synth player of Marilyn Manson DID manage to make the keytar sexy for a short while circa '97.
    He had an AX-1, with certain parts painted black, others left red – It looked sweet as hell, and I'm not saving up my money for one.

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