Justice: A Cross The Universe


This is a preview of Justice’s A Cross The Universe.

The DVD of this release contains a documentary of Justice’s March 2008 North American tour. This documentary is directed by Romain Gavras, So-Me and the band themselves. The documentary is meant to cover less of the band’s live shows, and more of their personal experience touring.

The live portion of this release was recorded at a concert in San Francisco, California at the Concourse Exhibition Center, on March 27, 2008.

3 thoughts on “Justice: A Cross The Universe

  1. If you paid for it separately, then yes. Otherwise, as it comes with the iTunes download, I thought this was hilarious and the album (live OR studio) is freakin sweet !!

  2. then you really dont know shit about documentary's, i loved this one but when your talking about docmentaries in generl, this falls on the bottom ones

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