This is a quick demo of the Leipzig K analog synthesizer, a new keyboard monosynth from Analogue Solutions.
- Pure analogue voice circuitry
- Fat Moog style filter
- Velocity sensitive keyboard
- CV/Gate outputs, so can be used as a 1V/octave CV controller keyboard for your modular system
- CV/Gate inputs to voice circuit so can be controlled by an analogue sequencer or similar
- All jack sockets are 6.35mm (1/4? ‘big’ jacks)
- Mod Wheel
- Pitch Bend Wheel
- Pure vintage style inspired design
- Lots of blue LEDs
- 2 VCOs with Glide/Portamento and Sub-VCOs.
- Plenty of modulation routing possibilities.
- Extra tone controls and circuits for more sound variety e.g. LFO, CrossMod.
- Rugged steel construction
- ‘vintage’ wood design.
- Spun aluminium topped knobs
- LCD for MIDI set-up editing
- MIDI In for software sequencer control of CV/Gate
- MIDI Thru
- MIDI Out: pitchbend, mod wheel, velocity and note data is transmitted. Local on/off feature
The Leipzig-k is priced at £899 exc. tax and delivery. See the Analog Solutions site for details.
via VJFranzK
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Private video, non-friends of the poster can't play it.
Bogart Shwadchuck – you may have to make a new friend.
Jeah Frisch gewagt, ist halb gewonnen.