Eigenharp Alpha Vs Kyma Synth Jam

This demonstration of the Eigenharp Alpha + Kyma combination comes via bar|none:

Every since I saw the Alpha I wanted these two to meet but technical limitations in both eigenD and Kyma made it not ideal and there was more latency than I wanted. The latest version of eigenD and the latest Kyma support virtualized midi drivers and Kyma now sends Midi over OSC via an ethernet connection.

This is a test of how responsive it is. I would say it’s a resounding success! This is going to be too much fun.

And it’s extremely easy to setup as well. Turn them both on and go.

This was recorded with the built in camera mic. The actual sound coming from Kyma is so realistic.

7 thoughts on “Eigenharp Alpha Vs Kyma Synth Jam

  1. Lo único que se merece el que lo ha grabado es que se lo partan en la cabeza y se la abran. Considero un insulto hacia la música y para los músicos que se publique a un individuo así.

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