The Strange Agency has released Donut, a new iPad sampler that’s designed to let you work ‘in two dimensions’:
You can use it like a phrase looper, by recording horizontally while using the step controls to step through vertical recording position. You can use it as a realtime processor by using ThruRecord mode. You can record and playback at completely differently speeds. You can even record backwards!
You can record and playback diagonally across the Donut surface, creating glitchy staccato sounds. You can record and playback with multiple heads, recording or playing multiple positions at once. You can spread the heads vertically to access different portions of the Donut, or you can spread them horizontally to create an echo effect.
The video demo, above, may make more sense!
Donut is $9.99 in the App Store.
Bought this today and am bummed that there does not seem to be a way to load pre-recorded samples. Seems like a glaring oversite, especially for an app that price. Wishing I could get a refund.
Maybe I'll feel better in the morning 😉
not more than a dollar.
1. Wait for price drop
2. Wait for audio import
It's morning. I don't feel better 🙁
I imagine audio-import is coming (it's already in Curtis after all) and probably some other goodies. A price-drop? Probably not, though. I remember buying CP 1919 near its initial release and feeling a bit wanting. But in due-time, it's gotten more feature-rich and streamlined and I think it's a great app.