Korg iKaossilator Review

Ean Golden reviews the new Korg iKaossilator app for iOS – a new app that turns the screen of iPhone, iPod touch or iPad into a Kaossilator-like instrument.

iKaossilator isn’t as deep an instruments as something like Korg’s own iMS-20. But, as Golden demonstrates, it’s an electronic music app that anybody should be able to have some fun with. And with WIST and a 5-part loop sequencer, it should be capable of a lot more in the right hands.

If you’ve tried out iKaossilator, what do you think of it?

iKaossilator Features:

  • Play sounds by simply stroking, tapping, or rubbing the screen with your finger
  • Bold Visual Effects move along with your performance and add excitement
  • 150 diverse built-in sounds cover any style of dance music
  • Scale/Key settings allow anyone to perform with musical precision
  • Easily create tracks with the loop sequencer using up to five parts
  • Control loops in real time for DJ-Style live performances
  • WIST capability allows wireless sync-start with other apps such as the iElectribe

iKaossilator is currently available in the App Store for $9.99, half off the regular price.

via eangolden

24 thoughts on “Korg iKaossilator Review

  1. This review only proves one point – this app desperately needs native iPad support.
    I don’t know what happened to KORG dev team… After releasing two excellent iPad only apps (iElectribe and IMS-20), they decided to go opposite way and released iPhone only iKaossilator… WTF?!
    If anything, why not release it as universal app?
    Great opportunity missed I’m afraid… No sale.

  2. The iphone looks much more like the kaossillator.
    On the ipad maybe you’re going to expect something more like the kaossillator pro.

  3. I didn’t pay much attention to this, but after seeing Ean’s review I was sold.
    I’m running this on my iPad and it is a really cool “toy”. It’s not really suited to make complete tracks, but it is possible by saving copies of the patterns and altering them. Then you can play around as if it was a Ableton’s Live set. Really inspirational and easy to work with.
    I don’t mind not having an iPad layout, this is a music app. The most important part is the audio and this sound good. The included loop list and “scenes” are very nice to listen and play with.

      1. Yeah he sounds like a snob for sure. Get with the times??? Surely then I’ll get myself a Macbook Pro. Oh wait, I already do. iPads are coffee-table devices plain and simple, just a larger iPhone ‘cept not a phone. Prat

  4. I’m sure it will be on ipad soon enough. Maybe ipad owners will have a taste of what it feels like to have to wait for a cool app, the way that iphone/ipod users have to wait. Anyway, if you’re going to release something on one platform 1st, it makes sense in this particular instance to release it on iphone/ipod 1st as the kaossilator looks more similar in size to these.

    the ikaossilator succeeds at being FUN. i think if one is serious they can go a little deeper, but the point is that anyone can pick it up and with a little effort can make something that sounds interesting. However, besides WIST, I would like to see Korg add MIDI/WIFI clock sync to I can sync with a DAW project…at least sync-able with something like MoDrum would be useful.

    I like the original kaossilator, but in someways this version is more immediate and easier to use along with some different useful features. I’m glad they didn’t just copy the original.

    1. Though you can’t technically “sync” it with modrum, modrum does support WIST which should essentially provide you with the same functionality I would think. Modrum, Bassline, iElectribe, iMS-20, and ReBirth all have this functionality as long as you have another iOS device.

  5. I’m glad for little video reviews like this, but he really skips over a lot of the features, making it seem to me like he doesn’t even realize they are there. Examples: The pattern remixing tools to grab loops from other patterns on the fly. Even the dropdown of sounds for each track, he actually searches presets to find a good lead sound instead of going directly to the menu of sounds. The ability to dictate how long each loop is. Soloing in addition to muting, etc.

    Anyway, I’d like to see some demos that are a little more fully featured, showing all of what the app has to offer. What about WIST? Shouldn’t that be pretty powerful along with iElectribe or iMS-20?

  6. It’s amazing how many people are dissing this when it’s obvious they haven’t used it or don’t know how to. Also it’s called iKaossilator not iKaosspad/pro whatever. Do some research.

  7. I have had the iKaossilator for the past 4 days now and I’m loving it’s style and use. One of my favourite apps of the moment.

        1. Good to hear 😛 In all seriousness I understand if people support a platform then they want appreciation for it. I guess matters like this separate those interested in a product from those wanting to be spoon-fed “app-les” as it were.

    1. Yeah me too. These days with the economy blah blah blah. You have to support the products/businesses you appreciate but with that said and with what you’ve said maybe you should stop being apathetic and place your vote 😉 Only jestin’

  8. I’ve had the original Kaossilator. The iphone version is nothing like the original. Who needs the lightshow? Who needs popup menues to choose sounds? It has no clear “regions” in the UI.
    I’d pefer a large (virtual) scrollwheel to choose the sound. The swipe motion for single/mute is totally against all the beautiful Korg hardware design philosophies.
    This is not a Soft-Kaossilator, it’s a flashy colorful trippy iSomething. By Korg nonetheless.

    1. dude..i have owned both the KO-PRO and mini both hooked into eachother and i get much better beats with this..use the cheap plastic if you wanna but this app is amazing

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